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"Get out of my way." Owen snapped as Sebastian stood in front of the door blocking his path from Ava's house

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Sebastian said simply with an amused look on his features

"Move or I move you." Owen said angrily

"Haven't you hurt her enough?" Sebastian asked as he moved to block him once more.

"That's rich coming from you Sebastian." Owen hissed in anger

"Yeah well who's the one she called? Hm? Not you, who is going to Paris with her? Also not you. Get the hint boy, you're not man enough for Ava and she finally figured it out." He laughed causing Owen to snap

"She wants absolutely nothing to do with you! If you weren't Tabitha's father she wouldn't think twice about filing a restraining order!" Owen said as he gripped the front of Sebastian's dress shirt angrily.

"And yet, here I am about to jet off on my private jet with MY daughter and your girlfriend oh wait- should I say EX girlfriend?" Sebastian teased in amusement.

"I swear to God-" owen hissed

"You'll what? Joyner? When are you going to realize you're nothing more than a replacement. A pathetic replacement at that. For me, you will never be Tabitha's father and Ava will never love you as much as she did me." He laughed

"She can't stand you Sebastian, get over yourself." Owen laughed in return

"And yet I'm jetting off to the city of love with her in a few hours, remember while you're in bum fuck Tennessee, I'll be in the city of love with the woman you're in love with." Sebastian said as Owen finally had enough.

"Tell Ava to call me."

"Oh sure buddy, no problem." Sebastian said as he shut the door behind him


"I really don't want to leave without saying goodbye." Ava said to Sav and Cait as they released her from the hug

"He hasn't even called? This isn't like him at all." Sav said in confusion

"You sure you'll be okay on your own Ava?" Cait asked hesitantly

"Of course, and I'm not alone, Sebastian has been a big help."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Cait said sadly

"We're boarding in 10 avs." Sebastian said as he rested his hand on the small of her back, the woman shrugging it off immediately

"I thought he'd be here." Ava sighed in disappointment.

"We have to go ava." Sebastian said simply as he picked up Tabitha and held out his hand for Ava who simply brushed passed him.

"I'll miss you guys!" She said as she gave Sav and Cait one last hug each.

"I'll miss you guys!" She said as she gave Sav and Cait one last hug each

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To new beginnings..


"SAV! CAIT! IM HERE! Did I miss them?" Owen panted as he ran up to them looking extremely disheveled, his hair a mess and missing a shoe.

"I'm sorry Owen, she left a few minutes ago." Sav said sadly as the Blonde boys face crumpled

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