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"What exactly are you trying to prove here Avangeline?" Sebastian's cold voice echoed through the speaker of the phone.

"I honestly can say I have no idea what you're talking about Sebastian."Ava's voice shook in anxiety as she was reminded just how cruel he could be.
Sure he had never hit her but that didn't make her any less afraid of him. She knew exactly what he was capable of. It started small, with him simply asking where she was when she was with friends, then he decided that he didn't like certain friends of hers including Cait, and that was when she realized who he really was. Whenever she went out, he blow up her phone until she got back and if she didn't answer him she knew that there would be hell to pay when she got home. He'd never raise a hand to her or to their daughter , but she knew with all his connections and with the help of his father's money if she stepped one toe out of line that he could take her beautiful daughter away from her.

"Are you trying to show me that you've moved on? Because honestly I expected more from you, I mean come on he's barely 20 years old you're nearly 22 can you honestly say that this is a relationship that would last." Sebastian snapped harshly into the phone causing her hands to begin to shake.

"I don't know what you're talking about, not that it's any of your business but Owen and I are just friends. I'm sorry you're not used to seeing me happy for once." She snapped back before quickly regretting her words.

"If you think you're going to replace me with him, you're dead wrong. I'm not going to let some child raise my daughter, this honestly just proves what I thought all along, you're not fit to be Tabitha's mother and you never have been." He said harshly as a tear slipped from Ava's eye.

"So you're saying that I can never move on? so you're telling me that you're never going to bring anyone around our daughter?" She asked shakily as she struggled to keep her confidence. He had always intimidated her and the problem was is that he knew that.

"I won't let you confuse our daughter, you think that I'm going to sit by and let you bring man after man into her life? You think I'm that shitty of a father that I'll let her have a deadbeat mother like you?" He laughed harshly as she could practically feel his hot breath through the phone.

"I shouldn't have let it go on for this long, when I woke up and realized that a relationship was over, I should have filed for custody of Tabitha right away. I know you're in denial so I'll give you some time for you to realize that I could give her more than you ever could." He said coldly.

"You didn't even want her! and now you're deciding that you're going to be father of the year?! You don't just get to decide those kind of things on your own, you can say anything that you want about me, but you will never, and I mean never tell me that I do not take care of my daughter! I picked up the pieces when you left, do you think she didn't notice? You think she didn't notice how her dad left and didn't look back for over 2 months? We have been separated for a year. I agreed to the separation for you I agreed to hide our separation for you. Everything I've ever done has been for you. I'm doing this for me. Fuck you."she said harshly as she hung up the phone and tossed it on her bed in anger.

"Is everything okay?" Owen soft voice echoed from the doorway as he stepped into the room cautiously.

"No, everything is so not okay! I am so tired! I am so tired all the time! I'm tired of struggling I'm tired of being unhappy, I'm tired of feeling like I'm not a good enough mother, I'm tired of every single thing in my life being over analyzed by everyone, I'm tired of people telling me to kill myself over situation they know nothing about. I'm tired of for the first time and over a year I'm happy about something that's not related to Tabitha, and he just has to ruin it, like he ruins everything, I'm a good mother. I do everything in my power to take care of her from the moment I knew that I was having her she was mine. Mine, and now he thinks that he's going to take her away from me." Her voice took an emotion as her strong demeanor quickly chipped away, Owen stepping forward and pulling her into his arms, into a firm hug.

"Everything it's going to be okay, you are so strong. Most people couldn't go through half of the shit you do and make it out the other side with a smile on their face but you do. You do, and you are an amazing mother to Tabitha, she couldn't get a better mother than you. everything you're doing now is just going to show her how to be a strong and powerful woman in the future. So don't let him get in your head and make you think that you are not good enough. You are more than enough. And I don't care what anybody says, whenever those comments get to you I'm going to be right there telling you how amazing you are and how strong you are and how beautiful you are." He said softly as the two sat on her bed in a comfortable silence.

"Why are you being so nice to me? From the moment we've met you've been nothing but nice to me and caring and amazing to Tabitha why? What did I do to deserve an amazing friend like you?" She sniffled softly as his hands reached up to wipe her tears away softly.

"Because before I even met you, Savannah would talk about how amazing her sister is and how strong, and how caring she was and so I felt like I already knew you so when we met I felt like I had to protect you, like I had to remind you of something clearly you hadn't been told enough. You are amazing and I will never let you think otherwise." he said strongly as the two looked deeply into each other's eyes, a soft knock on the door interrupting their gaze.

"Ava?" Cait's voice asked through the open door causing Ava to shift away from Owen.

"Someone's at the door for you." Kate said looking between the two suspiciously. Ava quickly wiped her eyes before getting to her feet and walking through the hall and towards the front door.

"Ava May?" The man asked as she opened the door.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked curiously as the man produced an envelope and handed it to her quickly before saying the words that shattered her world entirely

"Ava may, you've been served."

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