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"Please your honor, it's really not what it looks like, you have to understand- I'm not a violent person" Ava said defensively as Sebastian sat across the table from her with a neck brace wrapped around his neck

"My bruised trachea would beg to differ." Sebastian croaked out before grasping at his throat in clearly fake pain.

"Mr. Grey. Please don't strain yourself." The judge said sarcastically.

"Ms May, I have no doubt that you are not a violent person, that Mr. Grey had no reason to be outside your lawyer's office other than to provoke you." The elder lady said calmly.

"What you seem to forget Mr.Grey in your hatred is what is best for Tabitha. Do you honestly think that the best place for her is with you?" The judge continued

"Your honor, ms may's friends have assaulted me on many occasions. I don't feel like my daughter is safe." He defended

"And I think differently, Ms. may is on time for every meeting, every check up, everything that has been asked of her she has gone ABOVE and beyond to do." Judge Judy said slowly.

"I see no reason to take a daughter from the perfectly capable hands of her mother where she has a stable home and place her into an unstable home. The custody agreement remains as stands. Tabitha Grey will return to the custody of her mother and will see you as her mother sees fit." The judge finalized as she smacked her gavel on the desk.

"How'd it go?" Owen's voice echoed out at the bottom of the steps as Ava smiled widely before practically jumping into Owen's arms

"She's coming home! I am so happy! Owen I-" she said as she pulled away before crashing her lips against his quickly, before pulling away immediately

"I'm so sorry, that was inappropriate, I was just-" she stuttered

"Happy. Noted. No worries." He said tightly

"MOMMY!" Tabitha screeched as she scrambled out of the car, the worker stepping out behind her

"Baby!" Ava said as the tears started to fall, pulling the little girl into her arms immediately.

"Baby!" Ava said as the tears started to fall, pulling the little girl into her arms immediately

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Beyond blessed

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Savannahleemay: I'm so happy my lil bean is home

Passthereid: my bunny is home

Owenjoyner: welcome home tabby cat!

Charliegillespie: uncle charlie totally didn't buy her a giant teddy bear and it's waiting for her at home 🤷

>Avamay: charlie no

>Charliegillespie: charlie yes

Real life

"Charlie this is a terrible idea." Cait's voice said in a harsh whisper a few days later as Christmas approached quickly, only 4 days away now.

"When are any of charlie's ideas good? But what now?" Ava chuckled as she pulled a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge for Tabitha.

"I'm setting Owen up with my friend Sabrina and Cait thinks it's a terrible idea." Charlie said as Cait looked at Ava for a reaction

"That's great. Owen deserves someone." Ava said tightly as she gripped the bottle and went quickly into the living room.

"See? She thinks it's a great idea." Charlie said obliviously

"You're such an idiot." Cait said simply as she followed after Ava

"What'd I say?"

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