Meeting My Soulmate

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Allen was on cloud nine.

Everyone could tell that he was happy having his counterpart around. It was both amusing and infuriating. Very few 1ps accept their 2ps the way Alfred accepted Allen. Not only did he allow him to be near him whenever he wanted and let him show affection, but also returned said affections.

To many it seemed like more of a dream than a reality. However, for Allen it was a reality and he never passed the chance to brag about.

Allen had left Alfred go sleep in the hotel room while Allen went around the hotel to just chill out. The red haired man knew that his counterpart desperately needed sleep due to overworking himself.

Granted the blonde had already slept for like six hours, but still. He needs to get his rest. Allen knows that when he eventually goes back to his own world, that he won't be able to sleep or rest in any sort of way.

'Thanks to those damn 1ps' Allen thought as he walked into the common room of the hotel. He had already taken the finished plate to the kitchen so he was just going to chill out then go check on Alfred.

The red eyed man threw himself onto a nearby sofa, rather ungraciously. He was in a casual look that merely consisted of a muscle shirt and sweatpants. It didn't seem like the ideal attire for a hotel common room, but Allen didn't care.

He loved his body and was proud to show it off. 'Porkchop on the other hand is the exact opposite...' Allen sighed as that thought crossed his mind. Alfred was so insecure about himself and basically refused to wear any clothes that exposed skin.

It made the 2p nation so sad at times. His counterpart's body was perfect, every way of the word. Allen had rarely seen Alfred naked for a number of reasons. They have never been intimate with each other (at least not yet) so Allen doesn't have a clear view of his 1p's body.

Allen assumes that it would exactly like his, but with smoother muscles. The red haired man stared up at the ceiling as he thought about any solutions he could find to Alfred's insecurity.

He could try body worship. But he wasn't sure that he would be able to get Alfred naked for that. So Allen has to put a pin in that for now. Maybe he could have a bunch of different people tell him how beautiful he was.

That could work, but—

Allen was brought out of his thoughts by another person entering the room. Allen looked up and was greeted by the sight of his older brother Matt.

Allen grinned lazily at him. "'Sup, Maple Hockey?" He said, getting an eye roll from the Canadian for his troubles. "I told you not to call me that. How's Alfred?" Matt asked, sitting on the couch across from his little brother.

"He's fine, well as fine as he can be. He ate something, but other than that, he's been sleeping." Allen tells him. Matt was looking at Allen with outright and obvious jealousy. The maroon haired man couldn't help smirk. Back when they were little, Matt had always talked about his 1p.

How cute he was and how they would make such a great couple. Little did either of them know that Matt's 1p wanted nothing to do with them. Matt had been heartbroken and inconsolable for a long time.

Allen remembered watching Oliver try to comfort his older brother, but nothing seemed to work. This had terrified Allen beyond belief. If someone as great as Matt could be rejected, then Allen didn't have a damn prayer with his 1p.

However that all changed the day he met Alfred.

Allen was wandering around the forest near his house. His house, not his home. It hadn't felt like a home since Matt had been rejected by his 1p. All attention had been diverted to comforting Matt leaving Allen alone most days and nights.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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