Of Psychopaths And Guilty Consciousnesses

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Hey guys. The fandom's back. We're getting a new release come 2021, so I figured me updating this book was long over due. Enjoy!
England could feel the hate coming off everyone in the room. Even the nations who at one point or another said that America was a fat, stupid, moron were glaring at him like he just slapped a puppy.

"Now hold on lads—" England was cut off by China who bitch slapped him across the face. The Brit's head flung to the side as a red handprint started to form on his face. "Silence!" China's voice echoed throughout the room.

The oldest nation looked so full of anger and fury that it threw England for a loop. He considered China a dear friend. England had seen the Chinese man get angry over many things, but never like this.

Never about America.

China seemed to be so enraged that he was lost for words. His own children were in the room and staring at him with widened eyes. China had raised more than his fair share of nations in his time on earth, but he never, and I mean never raised a hand to any of his babies.

To find out that England would throw a full bottle of alcohol (a bottle that was made of glass) at a small child made him want to puke.

China, after much searching, finally found the word he was looking for. "Why?" His voice trembled with barely contained rage. His brown eyes were brimming with tears that weren't for him. They were for America and the potential abuse he suffered at England's hands.

The mentioned Brit didn't seem to have an answer for the four thousand year old nation's question. It seems as if he himself didn't know what that answer even was.

Finally he came up with something. It was definitely not what China had been searching for.

"That memory is obviously fake! Oliver is just using it to distract us from finding and rescuing Alfred." England got to finish his sentence this time, but still got the same smack across his face.

"It isn't fake!! That terror in that little boy's eyes was real. Don't deny it, opium!" China shouted at him. The smaller nation had begun backing England into a corner and no one was stopping him.

It seemed as though they had all forgotten about the missing American they were so angry for.

Almost everyone.

"Vait!" Lichtenstein's tiny but powerful voice echoed just like China's had. "Aren't Ve all forgetting about zhe main zhing here?" Everyone gave the land locked country a confused look.

Even sweet little Lichtenstein had to resist the urge to roll her eyes or facepalm.

"Amerika! He left vith zhe 2ps, remember?"

And then it seemed as if it all had finally snapped into place.

"Oh dear.." Lithuania went pale white and started shaking. He remembered when he woke up from night terrors that involved his own counterpart. The fear of being replaced. Of losing the only life he's ever known so that someone else could have it.

And now America, sweet innocent Alfred, is with them.

They must have hypnotized him or something because even America isn't oblivious enough to go with psychopaths like them.

"What do we do?" Spain thought out loud. 2p England had no doubt used some kind of magic to break the rift between their worlds. They would definitely need help from their resident magic trio.


A few nations sent a glance towards England. They still needed to deal with the issue of England's more than questionable behavior regarding how he raised America.

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