America wears a suit

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America looked between the suit and his usual outfit, eyebrows furrowed in thought as he starred at the articles of clothing. He usually didn't even care what he wore to the world meeting, but he had to this time because his boss wanted him to look presentable. God even thinking about it made him sick to his stomach. Finally after much more inner conflict America decided on the suit, not including his usual bomber jacket.

Normally he would rather die than depart from his beloved jacket as his first love Amelia Earhart had given it to him as a goodbye present before she departed on a journey she would never return from. Alfred shook his head, not wanting to think about her right now. She was gone, he knew that, but he wouldn't give up until the American found her body. All he wanted was to give the love of his life a proper funeral and burial.

Once again America shook his head and began putting the suit on as he had been standing there in his American flag boxers. When he was done he looked in the full length mirror, examining himself to make sure he put everything on properly. Once he was sure about that America grabbed Texas and placed the glasses on his face, pushing them up so that the lenses covered his ocean blue eyes.

Grabbing his briefcase and putting on his shoes before he headed downstairs, the floorboards creaking underneath his weight. Once he was downstairs he saw Molossia and Tony watching some cartoons looking surprisingly quiet.

"Hey dudes I'm offta the meeting, don't burn the house down while I'm gone" America said cheerfully getting a nod from Tony and a "Stay safe you fucker!" from Molossia. While some people would be offended by the micronation's language it didn't bother Alfred as he was used too the teens crude way of speaking.

With those reply said, he was out the door walking to his car getting in and speeding off as he didn't want to be late for the world meeting, knowing he would be lectured by a certain Brit on being on time.


America arrived at the conference building five minutes late and was rushing out of his car, trying not to trip over himself. Alfred quickly showed his id to the security guard, who allowed him to pass and rushed to the room was on the second floor of the five story building.

He finally reached the room and bursted through the doors feeling almost all the nations glaring at his as he caught his breath. The thing is they weren't glaring they were starring mouth gapped at the American's surprisingly professional outfit.

The suit was charcoal black with a crisp white shirt, and a navy blue tie. It looked like it had been tailored to the younger nation's exact measurements and hugged curves nobody knew he had. To put it simply America looked fucking sexy in a suit.

America took the silence as silent judgement and kept saying apologies as he made his way over to his chair, some of the nations noticing how the dress pants were literally hugging his surprisingly round ass. America, not noticing the eyes on his backside sat in his seat straightening his suit as it got some wrinkles when he sat down. The silence was now making the spotlight loving blond uncomfortable and he decided to snap them out of it.

"Uh dudes? Shouldn't we get started with the meeting?" America's voice snapped the others out of there starring and Germany called the meeting to order, blushing slightly as he had been starring at the suit clad American as well. It took only ten minutes before France tried to grope England causing the angry man to punch the Frenchmen in the face. After that everything else was just the usual stuff nations do when they don't wanna work. Fighting, pasta, flirting, yelling, sleeping etc.

America could still feel a few pairs of eyes of him from when he first arrived and shuddered. When nations looked at him they were normally glaring at him for something he had done or something along those lines, but these looks were completely different from the glares. He couldn't pick up what they were so maybe they were just extra mad at him today. That had to be it right?

After thirty minutes of drawing on paper that was meant for notes Germany called a lunch break and packed up his things leaving the room like everyone else who all divided into different cliques and groups. America, however stayed behind and slowly packed up his things tired from the night before, not getting much sleep.

Contrary to popular belief America did work and he always tried his best even if he hated it with all of his freedom loving heart. There was one other nation who stayed behind though the American didn't notice, his oblivious nature getting the best of him.

The man been sleeping and had just woken up when he realized that he had slept through the first half of the meeting. Now it was only him and America in the conference room. Greece looked at the younger nation and even the sleepy man had to admit the boy was attractive in a suit. Why didn't the nation wear them more often?

America finally noticed Greece and that he probably just woke up from one of his naps, more like hibernation if you asked the younger, but than again he wasn't one to complain about being weird as he was just as weird himself. America smiled his 'hero' grin before he spoke.

"Hey dude so you're finally awake, huh? Lunch just started so ya still have time to go getting somethin' if ya want!" America stated cheerfully causing the older nation to smile at the happiness in the tone. Greece always had respected the American nation because even after all he had been through a revolution, the War Of 1812, his Civil War, WWI and WWII, Vietnam war, the Korean War,the Cold War, and on top of that most of the world hated him and his people with a passion. And yet somehow he still managed to smile.

"Thank you Amerikí. Why are you still here?" The Greek asked curiously wandering way the teenage nation hadn't gone off to get his usual burger he loved so much. America's smile dimmed a little at the question, but then he perked up again. "Dude I just don't wanna be judge about my weight...." America said looking a little insecure about the topic surprising the elder.

"America your not fat, you know that right?" Greece asked suddenly confusing the younger a little. Of course America was fat, the others had made it their life's mission to remind him everyday. "But everyone always says that I'm---" America was cut off by Greece who got up from his seat and started to speak.

"They're only expressing unexplainable emotions they can't figure out yet" Greece explained smiling at the nation who was even more confused now. "Expressing unexplainable feelings? What kinda drugs you been takin'?" America asked thinking that the normal sleepy man was how you say delusional.

Greece, however shook his head and decided to explain more. "They are how you say 'pulling on your pigtail' if you get what I'm saying" Greece's statement had left the American speak less. He knew what that saying meant after all it had been invented in his country.

Suddenly America blushed in realization, finally seeing the bigger picture and what it meant. Now that America looked at it every country blushed when he talked to them even the Middle East. That's so creepy.

Greece, seeing that America finally got the picture went back to his seat and fell back asleep. America just rubbed his temple feeling a headache coming on as millions of thoughts invaded his mind. America decided to just get some coffee and for once think about his relationship with the world around him.

God I can already tell this is going to be a long journey.....

You don't know how right you are America! Hope you all enjoyed and please comment of up you want more even though I'm gonna do more anyway. Bye guys.

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