To Reverse What Has Been Done

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Hey guys!! Sorry that I haven't updated this book a whole lot. The reason is I was trying to give this book to someone and can't seem to get in touch with them as their account has gone somewhat dormant. Until they reply to my messages, I will be updating this book regularly. Thanks for waiting now enjoy!
"Okay poppet, what's your plan?" Oliver asked looking very worried over the safety of Allen's 1p. "Well first, Ollie. I need you to reverse the flow of time back to a few hours ago." Allen said smirking at the surprised looks he got from his fellow 2ps. "Why?" Oliver asked slightly surprised that part of Allen's plan involved using his magic which he hadn't used in a long time.

"We're going to undo what happened to 1p Prussia, 1p Denmark, and 1p France—" Allen was cut off by shouts of protests from the other 2p nations. "They got what they deserved." 2p Italy sneered at him his knife glinting in his hand when the light hit it. "SHUT UP!" Allen's command caused the whole crowd to go silent. "Now, while I agree that those worthless 1ps got what they deserved-Alfred's on the edge of insanity." Allen explained trying to hide the fact that he was sad at what his counterpart had become.

This caused gasps and some crying from the crowd of 2p nations. "Really, eh?" Matt asked looking at his brother like he thought he was joking. "Yeah really. Beating up Prussia, Denmark, and somewhat France broke him because he realized how truly alone he was. No one told him about their stupid 'bet' until just a few hours ago. This bet has been going on for almost a week." Allen could no longer stop the sad look from spreading across his face as he imagined what his counterpart had gone through.

"So? Vhat do be do?" Lutz asked looking like he wanted to go back to sleep but attempted to stay awake for the plan 2p America had in mind. "We have Ollie reverse the flow of time, then we grab Alfie from the exact moment he ran away from his brothers, and after that we'll try to bring him back from the brink of insanity. Sounds like a good plan, right?" Allen said smirking which turned into a scowl when his brother commented, "Wow Allen, you actually came up with a decent plan."

"You got a problem with my plan, Maple Junkie?" Allen asked raising an eyebrow at his slightly older brother. "Nope. I'm just surprised it was you that came up with it." Matt smirked at his little brother who flipped him off before turning his attention towards the strawberry blonde Englishman.

"Okay Ollie. So you in?" Allen asked the 2p British nation who nodded enthusiastically. "Anything for Alfred." Oliver stated cheerfully his baby blue eyes gleaming with excitement. "Give me a minute, dears." Oliver said softly pulling out a wand from his pocket.

Oliver closed his eyes and the wand started to glow a light green before a started muttering a spell. "Cross my heart and hope to die, with this spell I reverse the flow of time." Oliver chanted thinking back to when Alfred first found out about the bet and hadn't beat up 1p Prussia, 1p Denmark, and 1p France yet. Allen looked at the mini version of the screen he had used to freeze time and saw that everything was being reversed. Alfred wasn't dragging France down the stairs anymore instead was in the arms of his brothers Canada and Australia.

Allen froze time once again and Olivier stopped chanting the spell when someone patted him on the back telling him to stop. Oliver fell to the ground slightly exhausted as he hadn't used his magic in a long time. François and Matt helped sit Oliver down on a couch nearby.

"Okay now that thats done I'm gonna go fetch Alfie!" Allen stated as a portal opened behind him and he jumped into it leaving the rest of the 2p nations in their pajamas and wondering what they were going to do to help Alfred.
Back in the 1p world, Alfred was back to struggling in the arms of his brothers pissed off at the fact his fellow nations made a bet about him without him knowing. "Alfred you need to calm down!" Canada yelled at him barely able to keep him in his arms because of his younger brother's massive amounts of super strength.

"Go to hell, Mattie! I'm gonna kill those guys!" Alfred shouted back at his brother just about slipping from his weak grip when a flash of gold suddenly blinded them. A figure emerged from the flash of gold. The person looked just like Alfred but with maroon hair, crimson red eyes, and dark tanned skin. He worse a bomber jacket similar to Alfred's though it was a reddish brownish type of color, a pair of skinny jeans, and beat up combat boots. He was holding a bat that was spiked with nails over his shoulder and he was smirking.

Alfred suddenly stopped struggling in favor of staring at his counterpart. "Allen?" Alfred muttered out shocked that his lookalike showed himself in front of other 1p nations. The other 1p nations were well aware of their existence and didn't really give a damn about them since they though all the 2ps wanted was to steal their nationhood. Alfred was the only 1p nation who cared for them.

"'Sup Porkchop?" Allen teased making his way over to the trio causing the two nations holding America to tighten their grips on him. "What're you doing here?" Alfred asked slightly flabbergasted at seeing his counterpart. "I came to get you." Allen answered holding out his hand for the 1p to take. "OVER OUR DEAD BODIES, 2P!" Canada sneered at the 2p nation as Australia yelled in agreement with him.

"That can be arranged~." Allen smirked ready to bet up the two 1p nations when something unexpected happened. Alfred used his strength to fling Australia and Canada to a nearby way causing them to land on the ground barely Conscious.

"Alfred...what...?" Australia managed to get out before passing out. Canada tried to say something but fell unconscious as well. Alfred turned to Allen and looked him in the eyes, ocean blues clashing with crimson reds. Allen held out his hand again smirking as Alfred took it holding his hand tightly.

"Let's go doll."

Alfred nodded unnaturally quiet. Allen opened another portal and stepped through it with Alfred following him.

Now it was time to fix what those stupid 1ps had broken.
Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?

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