A Hero's Broken Wings

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Surprise! Sorry for not updating, but this book is going to have consistent updates until the person who wanted to take this book of my hands contacts me. Enjoy!

England felt his eye twitch at the sight of his 2p. 'Bloody insects," England internationally grumbled before turning his full attention back on 2p England who smirked at the furious look in the blonde's eyes. "Why hello, Artie. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" 2p England greeted smugly his chin in his hand.

"It's been decades, you filthy little cretin. You're supposed to be sealed away in your dimension along with the rest of your godforsaken comrades." England hissed at the strawberry blonde who just sighed like he was about to explain something to a child. "We were stuck inside that hellscape that you put us in." 2p England sneered his personality going from smug to pissed off in a matter of seconds.

"It was slowly dying over time and so were our people. They all began to go insane from all the disaster in their world. It was absolute hell for us as Personifications, because you know that whatever our people feel," 2p England rose from the chair he had been sitting in to point at himself and England with his long, slender finger. "We feel."

2p England's tone of voice made most of the 1p's shudder. Even the most battle hardened nations felt themselves shiver as he continued to speak. "Everyone was getting severely sick. The only ones who were able to stand were me and Allen." Everyone in the room jumped when 2p England slammed his hands on a nearby table.

"Our world was going extinct and there was nothing we could do about it. Until America managed to open up to your world. He helped us restore our world to its former glory." As 2p England explaining what had happened, the 1p nation's felt a shock of betrayal run through their bodies.

I mean, how could America help those psychopaths escape their punishment?

"He's like an angel. If I had to give you anything, it would be that you raised him right. But wait—you didn't raise him at all, did you? No, you were too busy exploring the 'New World' to actually care about your own brother." England gritted his teeth at this. While it was true that he hadn't been present in young America's life much, he still loved the boy as a brother.

"He's still my brother and I love him!" England yelled at the screen but his 2p only smirked in return like his anger brought him amusement. "By blood maybe, but can you actually say you've acted like a brother to him? What did you do when he came crying to you as a child scared of thunder?" The question was followed with another screen appearing and England watched in silent horror as a memory that he had wanted to forget appeared.

The image showed a tiny baby America that looked no older than four in human years. He was running down a hallway while thunder echoed in the background. Little America had tears in his eyes and he was holding a stuffed bunny close to his chest. America stopped running when he reached a tall, oak door that lead to England's study.

"Mon cher, what is this?" France asked England as he gazed at the memory. He had been away with Canada for awhile at the time of this memory so he had no idea what was going on. "One of my biggest regrets." England answered critically looking at the floor in shame at what his past self was about to do.

Little America pushed the door to the study open causing light to pour into the previously dark hallway. "Engwand?" His soft, quiet voice called out but didn't receive an answer. America's short, chubby body made its way into the study and was immediately greeted by the sight of England working on different types of maps. "Engwand, I'm scared." England's head snapped up causing teary sky blue eyes to make contact with furious ivy green.

Spain knew that look in his old rival's eyes. He himself had been the receiving end of that look many times over the centuries. "Inglaterra," Spain's voice brought attention towards him as England looked the Spaniard with hazy eyes. "Don't tell me you—" "I did." England's quick interruption had a disgusted look crossing Spain's face. "I don't know how you live with yourself." Spain muttered backing away from England to watch the memory. Everyone looked so confused at what Spain was saying.

"What is it, America?" England snapped at the colony. Little America flinched at the sharp tone of England's voice but then the thunder returned and he remembered why he was in their in the first place. "The thunder is scawing me. Can I sleep with you tonight?" The little colony looked hopefully at the empire but that hope soon turned into fear when England stood up abruptly and slammed his hands onto the table.

A few of the more jumpy nations flinched as the sound echoed throughout the room. Where was this going?

"Is that all?" Little America nodded timidly. "You useless brat! How dare you disturb me when you know I'm working?! And aren't you almost two hundred years old? You should get over your childish fears and leave me alone." England shouted at little America causing the smaller of the two to back up out of fear. "But I-" England had finally reached the end of his rope and grabbed a nearby whisky bottle before throwing it at America which landed just above his head.

The 1p nations watched in shock as glass and alcohol rained down on the younger America. China clenched his fists. He knew England couldn't have been the best parent to the sunshine nation but he never in a million years imagined England would abuse his children.

Little America cried out as glass cut into his skin before screaming when the alcohol got into his fresh wounds. "What are you just standing around for? Get out! Now!" England yelled which made America run out of the study and back into the dark hallway. "Damn brat..." England cursed before going back to his work not caring about what he had just done. Little America's cries echoed of the walls and then slowly faded as the screen disappeared.

Present day England was yanked by the collar by none other than one very pissed of Chinese nation. "How could you do that? He was only a scared child, you sick son of a bitch!" China as the oldest nation always felt he had an obligation to take care of all the younger nations. He never realized how much he'd been neglecting America until now.

Before England could speak 2p England reappeared smirking in amusement. "Well as hilarious as it would be to see China rip off Artie's head. You should all know something first." Heads turned towards 2p England as he spoke. "Like I said before, America—no Alfred is an angel. You broke his wings and now it's up to us 2ps to fix those wings. Oh it seems I'm needed elsewhere. Goodbye, poppets~" 2p England waved at them as the screen disappeared despite everyones protests.

Now that 2p England was gone, all attention was turned onto England and it was then he knew he was fucked.
Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?

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