Fearlessly and Forever

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TW: War, death (I promise there is a happy ending)


Kurt sat at his dining room table. Kurt was constantly anxious. His boyfriend, Blaine, was coming home from the War of Australian Succession. The war was over, they had signed a treaty, and now all the soldiers were coming home. Blaine's sister's husband, Finn had already come home, so it was only a matter of time before Blaine arrived on his doorstep.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Kurt leaped up from his chair and ran to the door. He swung it open and was immediately treated with his love's smile, golden-brown eyes, and curly hair.

The older boy engulfed Blaine in a hug. The couple immediately started crying. They had missed each other so much.


Kurt had gotten into a real funk since Blaine went off to war. He was fighting in the Mexican-American War and Kurt was quite scared for him. The death toll had already surpassed 10,000 and they were unsure when the fighting would stop.

Kurt and Blaine had been secret boyfriends for years. They lived together, claiming they were just roommates. They started as 'just roommates' but that friendship evolved into a beautiful love that was too sweet to ever let go, no matter what the church says. No one really questioned their friendship because most people lived with more than one family because of money restrictions.

Santana and her long time girlfriend Brittany stayed with Kurt a lot of the time Blaine was away, just so that he didn't get so sad he could never be happy again.

"What if he doesn't live?" Kurt ponders

"He shall live, and you shall see him happy and well again," Santana reassured him.

"My love is right, special people, such as yourselves will always find each other." Brittany comforted

"I do not know. I have a bad feeling deep in my gut."

Just as he said, the mail slid through the mail slot. Kurt subconsciously got up to get it. The first letter he saw was from the war office.

His stomach dropped.

The girls looked over at him and instantly knew by his expression what he was looking at. Kurt opened the letter and unfolded it slowly.

"Dear Kurt Hummel,

We regret to inform you, that your housemate Blaine Anderson has died in-"

Kurt didn't read anymore. He knew his world was over because his world had died.


In this section, Kurt Hummel is married to Quinn Fabray (now Hummel) and Blaine Anderson is married to Rachel Berry (now Anderson).

Scandals was not your average bar. You see if you tell the bartender you are a 'friend of Dorthey', then he will take you into the basement. The basement had low lighting, much like the bar upstairs. But instead of the bar that was full of drunken assholes, this room had lounge chairs and couches. No one even drank alcohol in the basement (not that it was against the rules). But what was against the rules was the fact that this basement was a homosexual hangout.

Blaine was sitting with Kurt in the basement of Scandals. Kurt and Blaine were the only ones in the basement tonight, so they were much more cuddly than when other people were there. Kurt suddenly leaned over and gave Blaine a passionate kiss.

"I wish I could do that with you in the open." Kurt longed. Kurt always spoke with hope in his voice.

"Me too, darlin'. But I think if Rachel saw me snoggin' all up on you she'd be madder than the government about us." Blaine laughed. Blaine always spoke with a very 1940's gangster-ish accent.

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