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Sebastian is Blaine's ex-boyfriend. Kurt and Blaine didn't start dating until NYADA.

Kurt and Blaine were sitting on the couch of their NYC apartment. It was Blaine's day to pick out the movies, and what he picked was not what Kurt thought he would.

They had never watched movies together before, but Kurt always thought he would want to watch Disney or musicals or something like that.

Instead, they watched R-rated horror films. Witch Kurt didn't really have a problem with, but it just wasn't... Blaine.

After the 2nd movie, he finally said something to Blaine.

"Okay, why are we watching these?" Kurt asked. His boyfriend turned around from where he was at the DVD player and looked at him.

"Do you not like horror? Because I can totally choose something else. Or you can pick, even though it's my day."

"No it's fine, I just thought you would want to watch something... different."

"Different?" Blaine questioned

"Yeah, you just seem like the type of person who would like Disney movies and childish cartoons. Not Saw or Halloween." Kurt said. Blaine silently got up and walked back over to the couch.

"When I was dating Sebastian, he constantly teased me for liking musicals. He said that I was too childish. That's one of the reasons we broke up." Blaine explained.

"Blaine... I don't care what movies you like. And it doesn't make you childish. Are you child-like? Yes. But you are mature and wayyyy too good for Sebastian. As long as I'm around, you can play Hercules as many times as you want." Blaine smiled up at Kurt.

"Oh," Kurt continued, "And if you want to, you can go get the frog stuffed animal you think your hiding from me."

"How- how did you know?" The shorter boy asked, shocked.

"One day they let out rehearsal early and I walked in on you taking a nap, cuddling with him," Kurt said.

"I just like him, okay. He makes me feel safe when you're not here. And I know that it's stupid, but I like cuddling with Brandon when you're not home, and it makes me feel like your there and you in my arms. God, I even named him Brandon. I am so weird." Blaine ranted. He was on the verge of tears.

Kurt immediately got up and when into their closet. He got Brandon and the Tinkerbell movie DVD. He came back, put the movie in, and sat back down with Blaine (and Brandon).

"I love how you're childlike. I love that you like Disney movies and musicals. I love that you love cuddling so much that you have a little frog to helo you sleep when I'm not there. I love you, Bee. With all of my heart."

"I love you too, Kurt. Thanks for being cool about this whole thing." Blaine softly said.

"Well, that's what you do when you love someone as much as I love you."

"And Brandon?" Blaine asked.

"Especially Brandon." Kurt giggled back.

Klaine watched animated movies the rest of the day, and when Blaine fell asleep on his boyfriend's chest, Kurt brought him to their bedroom, tucked him in. He put Brandon back in the closet. There was no need for him right now. Kurt was here and he was going to cuddle with Blaine until he fell asleep, too.

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