You're my favorite character!

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TW: Mentions of suicide

Blaine was laying on his couch, shamefully eating an entire sheet cake. His friend Rachel had baked it for him. She had dropped it off at his house then promptly left, she had to go work a shift, or had to audition, or something (he didn't care), but she left him all alone on his birthday.

so here he was. A pathetic 25-year-old moping around over the fact his only friend was ditching him on his birthday.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Blaine got up quickly, made sure there wasn't any chocolate on his face, and then answered the door. He opened it up to see the most beautiful man he had ever seen. He had perfectly quaffed chestnut hair, blue eyes, and pale skin that didn't have any blemishes. If this guy was gay, he has getting his number by the end of this conversation, he knew it.

"Oh my god, I actually did it." The boy whispered.

"Did what? Who are you?" Blaine asked

"I shifted. Like shifted realities. And now I'm in my favorite TV show, Dalton. And this is exactly you're apartment when you move to New York in season 5!" He said excitedly.

"I'm not from a TV show."

"Yes, you are. You probably don't know it because you're that main character but-"

"Listen, sir," Blaine interrupted, "If I'm really from a  TV show, give me some proof." The taller man pulled out his phone and opened Netflix he clicked on the first show in his 'Continue Watching' section and played his favorite scene for Blaine. It was the opening to 2x16, where Blaine sings Teenage Dream, and Sebastian falls in love with him.

Blaine watched the entire song before saying, "I... I kinda remember that... but when I did it there were no cameras. It was just another day at school. There was nothing that really happened. No one could have been recording from those angles... and gotten the audio so clear! I mean it's like its a TV show-"

"That's because it is. It's a show about Blaine Anderson - you - and your time at school with the Warblers. You stayed with them for 4 seasons - one for each year of high school - and then moved to NYC with your roommate, Wes."

"I don't have a roommate anymore," Blaine said, "But... I'm really from a TV show in your dimension?"

"Yes, and you're my favorite character! I've been wandering around NYC for what's felt like days but I finally found you."

"Do you know how to get back to your reality?"

The man was about to answer before he stopped, "No. I don't."

"Here come inside." Blaine moved out of the doorway to let the mystery man in, "And what's your name."

"Kurt," Kurt then noticed the chocolate cake on Blaine's coffee table, "Did Rachel make you a chocolate cake? She does that every year you guys are in New York, but she never stays to eat it with you. It's a reason why you-" Kurt stopped. He didn't know what season Blaine he was talking to. He didn't have a roommate, so it was after season 7,  but he was still alive, so it was before the ending of the show.

"A reason why I what, Kurt?" Kurt looks back at the cake. It's in a metal tin with caramel frosting. Blaine's season 9 birthday cake. The last one Rachel got to make him.

"A reason why you killed yourself," Kurt whispered. Blaine froze. How did Kurt know about that? How did he know he had been struggling for so long.

"After Wes moved out," Kurt continued, "You felt like no one loved you. So you got the rope that is probably sitting in our closet right now and you... No one found you for 3 weeks. It was your boss coming to check on you because you hadn't been to work in a while and you weren't answering your phone."

Blaine started crying. He couldn't take it.  Kurt noticed and put his arms around Blaine in a secure hug. Blaine just cried harder. No one had hugged him since Wes moved out... 6 months ago.

"I know you're struggling. But I want you to know that you're my favorite. You are handsome... and also sorta my gay awaking," Blaine laughed lightly at Kurt's comment, "You are better than everyone else. By a long shot."

"Thank you, Kurt. I don't know why, but I feel so safe with you, is that weird?"

"A little. I mean you must think I'm a crazy person."

"No, I think you're really sweet... do you wanna watch a movie?" Blaine asked shyly.

"I would love to."

They started watching My Fair Lady until Kurt asked Blaine a question.

"Is there, by chance, a Mercedes Jones in this world. Or a Burt Hummel?"

"Yeah, Mercedes and I met working at the Lima bean together and Burt is the guy that owns the tire shop in Ohio with his stepson, Finn."

"That is so weird," Kurt said.

"Why is it weird?"

"It seems like our two worlds mixed. Mercedes was my best friend in high school... and Burt is my dad. But Dalton and you didn't exist in my world, and there was no such place as the Lima Bean in the show. It was called Coffee Town. Well, before last night. Do you think... this is my reality now? Because all the most important and influential people in our lives are now together. And we share memories of them both existing."

"I- I guess it is. And the weirder thing is, a week ago I would have told you that Burt didn't have a son... but now I remember him mentioning his son a few times in passing. You being in my world has made our memories combine."

"I don't know what to do. I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do. And my entire world is changed!"

"You can stay here until you find somewhere in New York to stay. Or you can be my new roommate... because as you know I need one."

Kurt smiled at him, "Sure." Blaine looked deeply into his eyes.

"Fuck it," He leaned in and kissed Kurt, and to his delight, Kurt kissed back.

"Well that was cool," Kurt said breathlessly, "I definitely wanna be your roommate now."

"What!? Not my boyfriend?" Blaine said, fake hurt.

"Can't I be both?"


Okay so I just went to my first show choir meeting and our team is "Empire State of Mind". I am super excited! We're singing a bunch of fun NYC songs and I just can't wait!!! AHHHH!

-1038 words-

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