Bad Idea (Waitress AU)

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This idea came to me and I had to do it. A Waitress the Musical AU where Kurt is the doctor and Blaine is Jenna. Don't worry, there's no smut of MPreg to speak of here. The full scene and song are linked below, so please go listen to it before you read. (You know what... just listen to the whole ass soundtrack because this musical is a bop!!)

Blaine was sitting in the doctor's office with his wife, Rachel. Her pregnancy test had come up positive, he had immediately scheduled an appointment.

"Are you worried?" Rachel asked, smiling at him.

"Yeah, a little," Blaine replied. But he was worried for all the wrong reasons. The night Rachel had told him about her pregnancy, was the same night that Blaine was going to tell her he was gay. He had thought of all the possible outcomes for that night: Rachel screaming at him, Rachel crying, Rachel coming out to him as a lesbian (which wasn't even in the realm of possibility, but he had an overactive imagination). But instead, she had surprised him with the news that she was pregnant! Woooo...

"Mr. and Mrs. Anderson?" An attractive er- a very attractive man stepped into the waiting room. Rachel and Blaine stood up and started to follow the man. Blaine walked behind Rachel so that she wouldn't notice him staring at her doctor's ass.

They eventually made it to a small white room with a skinny bed and 2 chairs in it.

"My name is Kurt Hummel and I will be your doctor," Kurt said, shaking Rachel's hand. He then walked over to Blaine, "And you are her husband?"

"Yes," Blaine stated, sitting down in one of the chairs as Rachel got up on the table.


Rachel and Blaine finally made it home after the doctor's appointment.

"Aren't you excited we're having a kid?" Rachel asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, of course, I am!" Blaine kissed her cheek.

"Oh no, babe, I left my bag at the doctor's."

"I'll get it for you, Rach."

"Oh, thank you. I'm gonna go to sleep, it's kinda late."

"Alright babe, see you when I get home."


Blaine walked back into the doctor's office. He explained to the lady at the front desk that his wife had left her bag in Kurt Hummel's room. She said he didn't have any appointments for the rest of the day, so he could go in and grab it.

Blaine walked down the hall and into Kurt's room. Kurt was standing in the corner, reading some charts. He turned around when he heard Blaine enter.

"Oh, hey. Rachel forgot her-" Kurt was interrupted by Blaine's lips on his. After a few moments, he pulled away.

It's a bad idea, me and you

"Oh, shit," Blaine said, grabbing the bag and running to the door. Kurt jumped over the bed in order to reach the door faster than Blaine.

"Wait- wait wait," Kurt put his hand on the door so Blaine couldn't open it, "Your gay?"

"Based on what I just did, what do you think?" Blaine sasses.

I know, I totally agree

It's a bad idea, me and you

Kurt softly kissed Blaine again. Blaine wrapped his arms around the older boy, forcing his lips harder on his.

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