Chocolate Pudding

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Kurt and Blaine live in NYC together. (Also sorry for the lack of updates)

Kurt woke in the dark bedroom of their apartment. This happened sometimes and he would usually just fall back asleep, but he couldn't. He wasn't huddled in the warmth of Blaine's cuddles anymore.

Kurt sat up in bed and looked around the room. The door of the bathroom has no light underneath it, so his fiance wasn't in there... so where was he?

Kurt (reluctantly) got out of bed, starting his quest to find his lover. He made his way to the kitchen and that's when he saw him. Blaine in his blue PJs, standing over a small bowl, stirring something.

"Blaine, what are you doing?" He asked softly, wrapping his arms around him, "I woke up in the bed without you and I was cold."

"I'm making chocolate pudding," Blaine whispered back.

"Why are you making pudding at 4:00 in the morning!?" Kurt was confused, but he kept his tone light with the shorter boy.

"Because my life is in shambles." Kurt giggled at his fiance's silliness.

"Okay, well as long as you hurry up and promise to give some to me tomorrow, I'll let you continue."

Blaine fake gasped, "You're just going to sit there and watch my life fall apart?!"

"We're getting married in 2 weeks, is that not enough for you?" Kurt asked. Blaine turned around to face his love.

"It is more than enough for me. I can't believe we're going to be husbands!" Blaine squealed quietly, "Well, it's been about 5 minutes, the pudding should be done."

"No no no mister, we are eating this tomorrow. It is too late now." Kurt took the spatula Blaine was about to lick away from him.

"Please, Kurt? Just a little?" Kurt obviously couldn't say no to Blaine's puppy dog eyes, so he said:

"Fine. A little." Blaine then licked the spatula clean, but the rest of the pudding in the fridge, and went back to bed with the love of his life.

-337 words-

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