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This prompt was from a website called blog.reedsy.com (I highly recommend it for prompts). Anyways Kurt and Blaine don't know each other but get cast on the same reality television show and Kurt starts to fall for Blaine.

Kurt POV

Around last year or so, I started auditioning for any show I could. I never got called back for any of them, so I assumed I didn't get the job. Until one day I got a call back from a reality show producer. The show was called 'Queers with Beers' and had been highly rated in its former seasons, so I was super happy. The show took place in Lima, Ohio so the producers flew me out there and we started filming almost immediately.

---During Episode 1---

"Welcome contestants to Queers with Beers!" Mercedes said. She was our host, and although she wasn't gay or lesbian herself, she was very famously an ally. Everyone started cheering and clapping.

Mercedes continued her opening speech, "Let's get to know our contestants, stand up and introduce yourself when I call your name. Santana Lopez."

"I'm Santana and the only straight I am is straight-up bitch."

"Adam Crawford"

"Ello, I'm Adam and you're the apple of my eye."

"Brittany Pierce"

"Its Brittany, Bitch"

It continued like this until a man stood up. His raven hair was gelled down, his eyes were golden brown, and he was incredibly attractive.

"Blaine Anderson"

"Hi, I'm Blaine and I'll fly into your hearts."

Yes, that was cheesy, but it was also weirdly cute.

"Kurt Hummel"

I quickly stood up, introduced myself, "I'll love you, come what may," and then sat back down. My intro wasn't as bad as Blaine's, but it was still really bad. But I didn't care, there was a cute boy on this show, and I would date him, even if it was just for entertainment.

---After Episode 1---

We were about to start filming the second episode when I decided to tell him about my idea.

"Hey, Blaine."

"Hey, Kurt, what's up?"

"I have a deal to make with you," I said as I sat next to Blaine.

"Okay, what is it?" Blaine laughed.

"Well, if you haven't already seen, the 2nd biggest hashtag for this show right now on Twitter is #Klaine."

"What's Klaine?" Blaine asked, clearly not understanding what I was saying.

"Klaine is our names put together, like a ship name. So, what I'm saying is that we should start dating on the show. It will make people happy and give the show more publicity. What do you say?"

"Yeah, sounds great! I mean, who wouldn't want to date someone as hot as you?" Blaine then walked away from me, leaving my mouth ajar.

---During episode 2---

I walked into the room where Blaine was. He was laying on 'his bed'. (I put that in quotes because we didn't actually sleep in the house we filmed in, but the viewers were meant to think that we did).

"Hey, um Blaine?" He stood up and met me halfway between the bed and the door.

"What is it, baby?" Blaine asked seductively. He was just as flirty on the show as he was in real life. Or was he just flirty with me?

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