2 - Convention

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I have never been to a convention, so I'm so sorry if this is inaccurate.

Kurt POV

Is it weird of me to be going to a superhero convention as a 23-year-old? ... I'd rather not answer that.

I was going to see my favorite see the actor superhero, Blaine Anderson. He played Nightbird in Fearsome Nightbird and Doctor Endure. It's one of my guilty pleasures.

Okay, so maybe I only watched the show because of Blaine Anderson. But could you blame me? He was hot and handsome and sweet and-

NO. Kurt Hummel does not have celebrity crushes. That is a ridiculous assumption...

I walk through the doors of the hall where the convention was happening. I got there early to avoid crowds. I see somewhere they are serving food, and because I hadn't eaten breakfast, I was extremely hungry. 

I got to the stand and ordered a cronut and a coffee and started walking to find some secluded corner for me to eat in. I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone, spilling my coffee all over them and me.

"I am so sorry, I should have been paying more attention," I say as I pick up the coffee cup from the ground.

"It's alright," I got back up and looked at who I had bumped into...

Blaine Anderson

"The one and only," Blaine said.

"Wait- I said that out loud," I cursed to myself. But he just laughed, god, he was even more attractive in real life, "I- I'm Kurt."

"Nice to meet you, Kurt. I have some extra shirts if you wanna come with me," He started to walk away, but I was still frozen starstruck. He turned back around, "Unless you like coffee-stained shirts."

I quickly snapped out of my trace and quickly caught up to Blaine.

"I really like you," He smirked at me, "I mean- your show. I really like your show- not to say I don't like you-"

"You're cute when you ramble," Blaine said, smiling at me, "Actually you're just cute all the time."

I blushed furiously. Blaine Anderson thought I was cute.

We eventually made it to a small dressing room. Blaine reached into a duffle bag and pulled out 2 shirts, one slightly bigger than the other.

"Here, it's a little too big on me so it should fit you alright." I took the shirt from him.

Blaine put his shirt down on the counter, and I was confused. Why was he putting it down? I quickly understood why.

Blaine took off his shirt, in front of me. Jesus Christ, he was attractive. Once he had his shirt, he smiled at me, like he knew what he was doing to me.

I followed his lead and took off my shirt too. I saw him staring at my chest and I immediately got self-conscious.

"Oh, so you're cute and hot? I didn't know someone could do that." I blushed even harder than before. 

After we both had our new shirts on, we started walking around the convention center together. Blaine slipped his hand into mine, and we grinned at each other. It's now or never I thought.

"Can I have your number?" I blurted out.

"Sure," Blaine wrote his number on my phone and then texted himself.

"I have to go now. But call me after the convention, at 6:00."

"I will," I responded.

Okay, so maybe Kurt Hummel does have celebrity crushes.

-558 words-

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