1 - Bed Sharing

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So this one is going to be very fluffy and very short, sorry.

Blaine POV

I still can't believe it's real. Kurt and I got married. We're husbands. Husbands.

Was it a very strange and impromptu wedding? Absolutely. But it also was very us. We had only gotten together a week or 2 before today.

Our wedding day.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, "Your kinda zoned out."

"Yeah, I'm fine, great in fact," I reponed, "I just can't believe this happened. We really are going to be together forever."

"Fearlessly and forever," He corrected. I giggled at his silliness.

"We should go to bed," Kurt said, "Today was fun but very exhausting."


We got ready for bed, Kurt taking a little longer than I did, I didn't mind. I was laying in bed when Kurt finally came out of the bathroom. He got underneath the covers with me and it hit me. This was our first night together as husbands. God, I love saying that. HUSBANDS.

"What?" Kurt asked. He could always tell if there was something on my mind.

"Tonight is our first sharing a bed as husbands. Husbands, Kurt. Can you believe it?"

"Not really," Kurt sighed happily, "But I'm so glad we are husbands." Kurt leaned over and pecked my lips. I quickly pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss. He gave an adorable little squeak of surprise.

"Me too."

Part 4758239456 of me not knowing how to end these. I think these fics are slowly getting worse.

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