If I Can't Have You (Shawn Mendes)

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I always love the famous Blaine/Highschool Sweetheart Kurt things. This one is a little basic, but whatever it's still cute. I liked the song 'If I Can't Have You' by Shawn Mendes below. You probably have heard it a million times on the radio, but on the off chance, you haven't... it's there. As always leave suggestions below in the comments!!

Kurt and Blaine had been Highschool sweethearts. They were each other's first loves. The couple had met at a show choir competition but were forced to keep their romance a secret, due to the fact they were on opposing teams. The only person who knew was Kurt's sister, Quinn. She had walked in on them once making out.

So no one knew why Kurt was so upset when, years after their breakup, Pop-icon Blaine Anderson started dating Sebastian Smythe, the main actor in the new TV show 'The Flash'. Everyone thought it was because he hated Blaine's music, which he did, but for a different reason than everyone thought. All his friends thought it was because it just wasn't his kinda music, but the real reason was that Blaine only ever wrote love songs. Love songs for Sebastian.

So you can imagine his dismay when his BFF and roommate Quinn bought tickets to go see him in concert.


"Hey, Kurt?" Quinn called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, what is it Q?" Kurt answered back, walking into the room.

"So you know how I was gonna take Drew out on a date to see a Blaine Anderson concert?" Kurt cringed at the name (Blaine, not Drew of course. He didn't care about Drew).

"Yeah?" Kurt said as nonchalantly as he could while having an internal panic attack.

"Well, he canceled," Quinn frowned, "So I was wondering if you would wanna come with me? I know I know it's a sensitive subject, but please?"

"No Quinn, I can't." He wasn't lying. He hadn't willingly looked at one of Blaine's pictures or listened to one of his songs since he started dating Sebastian.

"I'll do your laundry for the rest of the year?"

"I'll think about it," Kurt compromised

"Yeeeeee!!" Quinn squeaked.


A few days later, Quinn and Kurt were sitting in the living room watching TV. And by watching TV I mean Kurt was watching the TV and Quinn was scrolling on her phone. Quinn suddenly gasped at her phone.

"What is it Quinnie?" Kurt asked, looking away from the sucky rom-com he was watching.

"You probably don't wanna hear about Anderson, I know how you feel about him, but it turns out Seblaine was never real."

"Seblaine?" Kurt asked.

"Sebastian and Blaine ship name. Anyway, it turns out that Sebastian and Blaine were just pretending to date for publicity. That so fucked up-"

"I'll go." Kurt interrupted.


"I'll go with you to the concert," Kurt explained. Quinn didn't question the timing of his acceptance, she was just happy he said yes.


The whole concert Kurt sat there on the verge of tears. He and Quinn were in the front row, and Kurt could see Blaine's golden eyes, the hair at the back of his head the got curly when he was sweating, his soft stubble beard that Kurt secretly loved. He could see all of it so close up.

Klaine One-Shots 💖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora