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Kurt and Blaine are married in NYC. Kurt works at Vouge

"Kurtttttt" Blaine whined, "Are you almost done working?" He was standing there in the doorway with his PJs on. He didn't have any gel in his hair and it looked adorable.

"No, Babe. This is due tomorrow. It's just a little bit more. Then I'll come to bed."

"But it's cold without you... I miss you."

Kurt smiled at his husband... he did look cute...

"Okay. Come here and sit on my lap while I finish my work." Blaine's face immediately lit up. He walked over and plopped himself in his husband's lap.

"No funny business, mister. I really need to get this done." Kurt said sternly.

15 minutes later Kurt was done, and he was about to ask Blaine to get off of him so that they could get to bed, but Blaine was asleep in his lap.

Kurt sighed and picked up his love, carrying him bridal style and placing him on their bed. Kurt got in his PJs and cuddled up next to Blaine.

"Good night, love."

Blaine mumbled something in his sleep, and even though Kurt couldn't quite tell what he said, it sounded like, "I love you too, sweetness."

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