3 - Cruise Ship

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I'm sorry if this is bad, I just need to get my mind off things.

Kurt was sitting at the cruise ship's bar, alone. His friends - his married friends - had dragged him onto this trip, even though he didn't want to go. They were complaining that he had 'been single for too long' and 'needed some action'. 

"This seat taken?" A beautiful man with honey eyes and olive skin said. He was slightly shorter than Kurt, but he loved that already.

"Umm, no," Kurt responded, "I'm Kurt by the way."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Kurt, I'm Blaine."

"Do you wanna drink with me?" Kurt asked.

"Sure! I'd love to!"

The two boys drank the night away. They didn't get totally wasted, but they definitely couldn't see straight (not like they could before).


The next morning, Kurt woke up to a pounding headache. He also woke up to a very cute and very naked Blaine.

Kurt got flashes of the night before. The sloppy dancing turned grinding, the wet kisses, the way Blaine made Kurt feel so... lived.

Kurt leaned over and kissed Blaine on the forehead, waking him up in the process.

"G'moring my prince," Kurt whispered to Blaine, his lips brushing against his ear.

Blaine hummed happily in response. He rolled over and threw an arm around the older boy.

They cuddled like that until noon when they got up and ordered pizza.

While eating, they got to know each other more. Like how they both lived in Ohio when they were young, or how they both love singing.

Blaine and Kurt were inseparable for the rest of the cruise.

3 years later, they got married, and they told this story at their wedding (except for the whole 'getting drunk and sleeping together thing'. They basically only said they met on a cruise ship and spent the rest of their time on the boat together so they wouldn't get lonely).

I may be updating less because my mental health isn't the best at the moment. Not saying I won't update, I will, just less.

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