Chapter 12: That Jokku is a Jerkku

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Yokina P.O.V

I jumped up and down when I saw my name on the screen. "TIME TO KICK SOME BUTT! WOO" I yelled. Then I saw who I was facing off against. Jokku Reposa. A weird boy with buff arms and legs with brown hair and blue eyes jumped in to the arena. I jumped down to meet him and stuck out my hand for him to shake, he never shook it. I puffed out my cheeks and went to my starting position. "START!" I jumped up and yelled "Summoning Jutsu: Ace!" I yelled. My bow and arrow appeared in my hand. "Alright! Shadow style: Shadow clone jutsu!" He yelled and a ton of him popped out of nowhere. I growled and yelled "Justice arrow!" I sent a ton of (shiny!!!!!Sparkly!!!!!!Rainbowy!!!) arrows flying at him. I just hit shadow clones. The entire field was covered with smoke and as I landed his arm took my leg and smashed me to the ground. I flinched and dug into the ground. He looked everywhere for me. I jumped up and yelled "SUMMONING JUTSU: Spear of Unicorns!!!!" I yelled. Jokku got a question mark above his head. I had a huge spear in my hand with the top shaped like a unicorn's horn. I swung at him and he barley dodged. Jokku yelled and took out kunai knives. He swung them at me and I blocked all of them with my spear, grabbing a few in the process. "Summoning jutsu: Seagulls!!" I yelled. A huge amount of seagulls flooded the area. "It won't work!" Jokku yelled while swinging around a huge katana. My seagulls went away and he saw a seagull costume right next to him. "Hehe animal transformation cover?" I said. He growled and lunged at me. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled and jumped into the air once more (I had obviously taken off the seagull costume). "Illusion style: One thousand flaming kunai!" I yelled and a ton of kunai flew at him. He braced himself but saw that they didn't hurt him. Jokku smirked and jumped into the flaming kunai when. "UHHGGG!" he yelled in pain. A REAL kunai had stabbed him in the leg. I smirked. Jokku widened his eyes in realization. The kunai I had grabbed when he threw them at me plus my own were in the bunch of illusions. He kept on dodging them and a foot pulled him into the ground. Okay so I kinda stole this from Ginga but the only reason she failed was because Cuddles (Ginga: *cough*lame*cough*) was there to help Elliot the Idiot. "Earth style: Head Hunter Jutsu" said my clone from underground. When I dug underground did you seriously think I did nothing? Cause I didn't. I had a clone waiting for the perfect chance when he lowered his guard to busy dodging my attacks. I sighed happily as the chunin declared me the winner of the match. I unsummoned my weapons and walked up to Team Nine, Eleven, and Seven. I smiled as Haku was going to battle a dude named Gaguru Samoko. I wished him luck and sat down next to Yuri who was trying to slap Shikamaru awake. She mumbling about 'Uhh waking Lazy boy up is such a drag' then Shikamaru broke and yelled. "WELL YOU SLAPPING ME IS AN EVEN BIGGER DRAG YOU TROUBLESOME WOMAN!!" "YOU NEED TO GET READY FOR YOUR MATCH IDIOT!" "YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN MY MATCH WILL BE IDIOT!" "AWW SHUT IT!" "YOUR SUCH A DRAG!" " SHOULDN'T YOU--" YOUR SUCH A--" "A DRAG I GET I GET IT!" WHY YOU-" "WHY YOU--" this went on for a while before I decided that BOTH of them were drags and tried to get some sleep. I had a freakishly real dream!


I was sucked into the deep black abyss that appeared right after the earthquake. Why do I always have bad luck on my birthday?!?!! I blacked out right then. When I came to I saw that I was in a forest. I walked around till I found a weird... Is that a village? I don't know. I saw a tree with a boy in the swing set. I walked over and asked. " Hey do you know where I am?" The boy looked at me sadly. "Konoha" he said simply. I blinked wondering were Konoha was. It sounded Japanese. Then I noticed tear stains on the boy's face under his goggles. "Whats your name?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I don't want to say." he said. "Why?" "Cause then you'll run away." I frowned. Then I smiled. "I'll call you...... Ummm hmmmm Ah I know! Your name is.... Happy Fox!" I said. He looked at me. "Wha-? Why?" "Cause you have whiskers and you need to be happy! Think of ummmm SPARKLES!! And Unicorns too!" I said. He smiled. "I think your name should be Rainbow." he said to me. I grinned. "I LOVE RAINBOWS!!" I shouted. He laughed and I giggled. Then I saw my reflection in a window behind me. My eyes widened. I had a Pink dress with sparkles. I had pink hair in a ponytail and white leggings. Wow. I look... Cute? I looked back at Happy Fox and smiled. "Want to go get ramen?" he asked. My eyes sparkled. "YES YES YES!!!! I LOVE RAMEN!" I shouted. In my brain I was thinking, 'AW YEAH!!! Wait, I've never had ramen before. Uh oh.' Darn me and my immediate reaction to things I've never had before! So we went to get ramen. I LOVED the miso ramen. It was sooooooooooo good! So when we were done we played for HOURS! It was so much fun to play with Happy Fox. When we played hide and seek I could barely ever find him while he always found me. We played for a while when Happy said "Hey lets go into the Uchiha compound and play hide and seek there!" I smiled and nodded. We crept into the compound and I hid while Happy Fox tried to find me. I hid in a person's house. Hey. They weren't there and remember I was five years old. I was even more of an idiot than I was now. So I went into the empty house and hid in the closet. I heard voices and two people entered the room. I facepalmed when I heard "Can you believe that your older cousin went into the kitchen and called out 'Rainbow where are you?' while looking in the pot Itachi?!" Seriously Happy Fox? Seriously!? Anyways I knew I would get in trouble if the people found me in the closet so I climbed to top which was appearently the place where they put their shoes. If I went into the very back they wouldn't be able to see me. Just as I settled in the very back the closet doors opened. A woman looked in with a boy behind her. I'm guessing the boy was Itachi. I heard the woman say "Itachi there is nothing in here!" Itachi pointed to the place I was hiding and said "Check there Mother." She looked expecting to find nothing but was greeted by my pink eyes. She screamed and walked back franticly. "Who, who are you?!" she said. I wiggled out of my hiding space. "I'm Rainbow! I was playing hide and seek with my friend Happy Fox and I should go. Bye!" I said as I walked towards the door and ran at the last word. As I was running I saw a ton of Uchihas chasing a black haired girl who was saying, "I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT YOU GUYS WERE THE WEAKEST CLAN!! I JUST MENT THAT I WAS STRONGER THAN YOU SO YOU GUYS SHOULD BE CALLING ME 'YOUR MAJESTY' AND BEING MY SERVANTS FOREVER!" as she ran away from them. I sweatdropped as I saw the situation I could have been in if I had been found by someone else. I also saw a dude that looked like a fish. I tried eating him since well, he was a fish. I WAS HUNGRY OKAY?!?!? I suddenly bumped into a woman with cool blue hair and piercings near her nose. "Gomen Nee-chan! (Sorry sister) But, how did you get your hair blue??" I said. She facepalmed. "Why is this one crazier than the rest? Mind style: Memory wipe jutsu." she said. There was a white flash and I sat up on my bed. Wow

End of dream

I opened my eyes and found myself staring into blue ones. "Um Hello?" I asked Happy- I mean Naruto. He smiled and said, "You looked like you were dead so I wanted to check. Believe it!" I grew an anime vein. "I WON THE BATTLE HOW COULD I BE DEAD CHAA!!" I said as I punched him on the head. Wow. I've been hanging around Sakura too much. I sighed and said, "Don't do that again Naruto." he nodded in pain. "I won't! Believe it." he said. I sighed. Now I can 'Believe it'.


Okay peoples! We have officially finished chapter 12! So don't leave cause chapter 13 is under this break! So..... Lets get back to "Doctor Idiot" Starring Anna as Doctor Idiot and Ling as mental patient and Emma as Mother of mental patient. START!

Anna: But I don't wanna change it back!

Emma: DO IT!!

Monroe: Ling...... Guy-sensei


Guy-sensei: Alright Ling lets ride into a field of youthful flowers, singing youthfully while shining with YOUTH!


Anna: Huh. It seems that being in contact with Guy sensei is the real cure

*Ling throwing pie and screaming at Guy in the youthful sunset*

Venus: And end.

Next time!

Yokina: But wait, Cat, don't you love -censored because of spoilers-

YES! YES I DOOOOOOO! But, if its for the benefit of the story, his heart shall belong to you!

Ginga: Such a noble cause! 

Karasu: YES YES!


Umi: G-Guys, um... I don't think I like the way this story goes in my dream!


Umi: OH NO!!!!

Chapter 13: Woof Woof!

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