Chapter 7: Panda vs Demented Sadistic Ginga

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Yolo start.

Ling: Whats with the unnatural plainness?


Anna: She's worse than we thought!

I have a cold...

Anna: Oh yeah oops?


Emma: Wheres that animal?

Venus: In this chapter.

Anna: We are awful today!

Monroe: Aw shut up! She just finished Chapter 6! Give yourself a break!

Anna: No I must do this Chapter!

Venus: CrazyNala2681 does not own Naruto!


Ginga P.O.V

We were walking when we heard a familier voice "PUT HIM DOWN!!" Naruto yelled. My eyes widened and we all (Yes including Haku and Zabuza) ran over to them. "HEY PUT HIM DOWN!!" Kasumi yelled. Kankuro looked at her. "Hey precious wanna go out?" he asked. "Never!!" she answered. "Ginga use it now." Karasu said. I looked at her. She nodded. I focused all my anger at Kankuro and how he was mean. My eyes stayed the same but my hair turned white. I looked up and Sakura and Naruto gasped. Kankuro sneered. "What are you going to do? Dance around like a prissy princess?" he taunted. "I'll kill you Kankuro... Of the funk" (Naruto abridged!) I said giggling. He looked confused at what I said and then a rock flew at his hand. He dropped Konohamaru and Umi zipped to catch him. While Sasuke and Kankuro had their argument I disappeared. And reappeared right next to Gaara. "Panda!" I giggled. His sand went to strangle me but I just brushed it away. Gaara's eyes narrowed and I let out another evil giggle. "Wanna play?" I asked cutely. "No" he said. My eyes watered but then I just laughed. "Alright say something before Kitty becomes a nuisance." I said. "Kankuro stop it your a disgrace." Gaara said. Kankuro looked at him with wide eyes. "It was them who started it!" He said quickly. I giggled. "Nobody likes a tattletale Kitty! Stop it or he'll kill you!" I said with a smile. It seemed like people just figured out that I was there. Kankuro's eyes widened. "How did you... Sorry I was way out of line." he said. I smiled and skipped back to my group. "Bloody, change back now." Zabuza said. He had made nicknames for all of us. Bloody was me. Shadow was Karasu. Flower was Yuri. Ocean was Umi.Cheerful was Yokina. I nodded and said "KAY!!!" real loud. All attention was turned to me as my hair grew a fiery red again and I took dango and stuck it in my mouth like a toothpick. It was way better than lollypops. My heart warmed up and what I did next was genius. "Sup." I said. Team 7 sweat-dropped. Sakura did her little tough girl part and then "Hey you what's your name?" Sasuke asked Gaara. "Gaara of the Sand, I am also interested in you and the group of girls's names." Sasuke glared at him. He seems to be like an overprotective brother at times. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha" he said. "I'm Umi Kokoro" "Yuri Kokoro" "Karasu Kokoro" "Yokina Kokoro" "and I'm Ginga Kokoro." I finished. Gaara looked at me and I smiled. It took all my will to not blush or glomp him. "Who are they?" he asked pointing to Zabuza and Haku. "Zabuza Momochi and Haku MooMoo" Yoki answered. Since we couldn't remember Haku's last name we decided to call him Haku MooMoo since it seemed fitting. "What are they doing here aren't they rouges?" Temari asked. "They used to be now their my team." Karasu said. Actually two people got moved from Team 9. Since the Hokage wanted Zabuza to be the sensei there had to be three genin. So Karasu and another got moved to Team 11. Guess who it is! Its.................................... UMI!!! So basiclly Umi, Haku, amd Karasu are Team 11 their sensei being Zabuza and Yokina, Yuri, and me being Team 9 with my sister Kasumi as our sensei. So we're separated. Sad right? Well after the sand ninja left Team 9 and 11 went to get their senseis. Yes we also stopped training with team 7. After all we were only going to train with them for a few days. "Bye guys see ya later!" Umi said. They went on a different road. "Bye!" Yuri called. We finally made it to the Dango resturant we were supposed to meet at. "Hey guys!" Kasumi said cheerily. "So have you heard about the-" "Chunin exams? Yes of course we'll enter!" Yokina said with stars in her eyes. Kasumi looked shocked then she smiled. "Alright but all of you think about it okay?" She said. I looked at Yuri, she nodded. "We accept." All three of us said. "Perfect! See you tomorrow!" Kasumi said before poofing into smoke. "Guys I'm going home I wanna play house war" Yoki said. "I'm coming with you!" Yuri said. "I think I'll take a walk then I'll join you kay?" I said. They nodded. "Sure but be home by 9:30! See ya!" Yuri called. I smiled and walked to training ground 8.

Time skip

I was fighting a clone when I felt a chakra pressence. "Who are you?" I asked, my clone poofing away. "I'm Gaara." "Why are you here?" I questioned "I want to fight you." he answered. I nodded and got into a battle stance "Stage two. Byakugan!" I muttered and my eyes turned an electric blue. But you could clearly see veins near my eyes. It was my own style of the Hyuuga clan's Byakugan. Gaara's eyes widened. I charged and yelled "Summoning jutsu: Katana of Courage!" my Katana sword flew into my hand and I slashed at his sand. It just got on me. "Sand coffin!" Gaara yelled and pieces of wood flew out. "The substitution jutsu!" Gaara yelled.

Third Person P.O.V

'Is she behind? Left? Right? Above?' Gaara thought. He felt a grip on his ankle. "Below! Earth style: Head hunter jutsu!" Ginga said as she pulled Gaara down into the earth. His eyes widened as she jumped out of the earth. Her eyes widened. "A sand clone!" she yelled. She got stabbed by sand. "Your dead!" Gaara yelled. "No you are" Ginga replied and she poofed into smoke. 'A Shadow Clone?!' Gaara thought. "You see." she whispered into his ear with her Katana at his neck. "You have blood in your sand so I can control it easily." His eyes widened. "See ya Panda!" Ginga yelled in his ear and jumped away. He was left there stunned. 'What a psychopath!'

Yuri P.O.V

Yokina had rushed on ahead and I was left on my own to walk the streets back home. I heard a small whimper and looked to my left. There on the sidewalk was a very strange animal. "Are you okay little one?" I asked picking it up. "N-no!" it whined. I was stunned. It could TALK?? "Do ya wanna come home with me?" I asked it. "Okay" It replied. "Whats your name?" "Well I'm a boy and my name is Ichioga."


okay!!!!!! I did it!!!!

Ling: Wow! Two chapters in one day! Cool!

Anna: I'm so proud of myself!!!

Venus: Well suck it up! We have the Chunin exams next time!

Emma: Yeah me and Monroe aren't going to be with you! We'll be an enemy team!

Monroe: I'm fine with that

Anna and Ling: YOU KNOW YOU LOVE US!!!

Monroe: SHUT IT!!

Next Time:

Ginga: PANDA!!!!!

Yokina: FOXY!!

Umi: DOGGY!!!!!

Yuri: DEER!!!!!!!

Karasu: DUCK!!!!

Everyone: Where?!?

Karasu and Haku: NO SERIOUSLY! DUCK!!!

Next time Chapter 8: Tests Beware! WE HAVE FIREPOWER!!

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