Chapter 8: Tests Beware!! WE HAVE FIREPOWER!!!!

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Alright folks! I'm back with a burstin energy!!!! Sooooo take it away Ling!!!


Venus: Oh dear lord.


Anna: She has been cursed with..... ROCK LEE SYNDROME!! *dramatic music in the backround*

Monroe: *sweatdrops* I don't think that is possible Anna.

Venus: We're stuck with lunatics.

Monroe: Tell me about it.

Anna: HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME!!! *punches Venus*

Ling: GUY-SENSEI LET ME HELP YOU!!!! *punches Monroe*

We are currantly having some technical difficulties.

Kasumi: CrazyNala2681 does not own Naruto. Now this movie is rated R so lets just skip it and get on to Chapter 8 okay?


Ginga P.O.V

When Yuri came home yesterday with a weird animal in her arms named 'Ichioga' that appearently talks of course I questioned her mental sanity. But this is Yuri we're talkin about here. She's like, too smart to be as dumb as Yoki or as mentally disturbed as me. So when she came in I started yelling "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH RIRI YOU DISTURBED CHILD" while throwing pie. My friends weren't fazed. This is completely normal on Sundays. But when I saw the animal I got stars in my eyes. "Awww he is soooooo CUTE!!" I shrieked and basically squeezed the living life out of him. "Ginga let go!!" Yuri yelled. I pouted but I gave her Ichioga. "Whats his name?!?!" I asked. "Ichioga" She answered. "Awwwwww I wanted to name him!!!" I pouted. "Thats the least of our problems. The Chunin Exams are tomorrow!!" Karasu said urgently. "If we aren't in shape by then we'll lose!" I pouted again. "So no naming ceremony?" they faced palmed.

Time skip

Umi P.O.V

It was time for the Chunin exams. We quickly put on our usual outfits and ran out of the house. Me, Haku, and Karasu quickly headed to the meeting point. We met up with Team 7 and Team 9. "Hiya!" I yelled to Yokina. She grinned and waved back. We all went inside. I heard a "Please we have to get inside!!" and a smack. Tenten got hit! My blood boiled. "Third stage. Element Sword" I mumbled. My hair turned white and my heart froze. I was more tame than sadistic Ginga who also went into third stage. So basically we have four stages of our kekkai genkai. First stage would be having our talents as they are. Second stage would be our eyes changing. It lets us copy other kekkai genkai but only one. Ginga has Byakugan, I have the Inuzuka clan's help with dogs, Karasu has Sharingan (she turned it on at the TV screen it was hilarious on how she kept freaking out about having 'the stupid duckbutt's ability'), Yokina used to have white hair but she copied the Uzumaki clan's talents. I guess that came with a price of pink hair, and Yuri copied the Naara clan's herbal knowledge. So thats it. Anyways third stage is like this, our hair turns either white or black, our hearts turn cold, and we only enter it by being enraged at something. This case being Tenten getting slapped. I walked to the boy with Ginga by my side. "Let us pass or face the consequences." we said. The boy snickered and went to slap me too but I punched him in the gut before he could do that. Cause seriously. I am awesome like that. So he got what he deserved and me and Ginga turned back into stage one. I nodded at Karasu and Haku and we walked to the third floor....... LIKE A BOSS!!!!!

Yuri P.O.V

I sighed as we were walking. "Oh what to do what to do!?" Ichioga said. He really liked Umi so I was planning on giving him to her for the test. Ah! There she was. I ran over to her and said "Hey Umi want Ichioga for the test?" Her eyes widened. "OF COURSE!!!!!" She said and ran over to Ichioga. She took him in her arms and ran back to her team. I giggled and went back to Ginga and Yokina. We were going to the Chuni exams!!

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