Chapter 3: Meeting the New Class Wait........ NARUTO!

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So, so, so!!!!!!!!!! How do ya like it so far??!! :)

Ling: Cha! THEY LOVE IT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean since I'm the star and all!

Venus: No way! It's ME!

Emma: Um NEVER!!!! Its got to be me! The star player! Sweet and yet so innocent.

Venus and Ling: AS IF!!!!!!

Anna: Now, now everybody calm down!

Monroe: Technicly since only Ginga got mentioned in the beginning summary then Anna's the star

Ling, Venus, and Emma: NO WAY!!!!!

Anna: Lets do this quickly Monroe!

Monroe: Right

Monroe and Anna: CrazyNala2681 Doesn't own Naruto! Only the characters that she made up are hers! (And you know who they are if you read the manga or watch the anime!!!)So don't be mean!!!

OKAY!!! Lets start!!!


Ginga P.O.V

We were walking to the Hokage Building to take the test to graduate when we saw a certain Duckbutt on his way to graduation. He looked at us and rolled his eyes, I smirked. "Oh isn't that boy over there totally dreamy Yoki-chan?" I said glancing at Naruto who was being chased close to where Sasuke was standing. Yokina and the others caught on. "Oh yes with his gorgeous eyes!" "And his hair!" said Yuri and Umi. Karasu and Yokina nodded. We saw Sasuke sigh arrogantly and turn a corner.
Soon we were at the Hokage's study. We all passed with flying colors. (It was the normal clone jutsu test) When we reached the academy we tensed and heard fangirls screaming about how they were there first. I gasped and we burst into the room just in time to see Naruto and Sasuke kissing!! Then a bunch of fangirls tried to pummel Naruto. Keyword: tried. Umi, Yoki, and I quickly rushed to his aid. As soon as we were able to get the screeching demons off of Naruto we moved him away from danger. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah thanks!" he said. I smiled then nodded at the other two. We walked out all serious-like but inside I was partying like a kangaroo on a sugar rush!
All five of us waited for Iruka-sensei to introduce us so we could go inside. "And now class we have five new genin joining us today. They already passed the test so they'll be waiting with you for their sensei. They will be put into a six man squad since its seems fitting." he said. Yoki and I did a victory dance. She and I had begged to be in a five man squad with the others and the Old man finally gave up. "Girls come on in!" Iruka said. I came in first, then Yoki, then Umi, Karasu and finally Yuri. "Please introduce yourself!" he said. "Hello I'm Yuri" "Karasu" "Hi I'm Umi" "Hiya! I'm Yokina!" "Ginga's the name, pleased to meet ya!" we all said. "Does anybody have questions for them?" some hands raised. Iruke nodded at Ino, "Do you like anybody?" we nodded. "Yep we like each other as sisters" "NO NO!!" Sakura yells "She means do you like any boy in this class!" I smirk and said "Well yeah" while looking at Naruto who was right next to Sasuke. "WHO!!!??!!" Ino and Sakura asked. "He's right over there." Yokina said while point in between Naruto and Sasuke. A ton of fangirls glared. Iruka said that we could choose were to sit. Yokina choose near Kiba, Karasu and I were in between Naruto and Sasuke. Yuri with Shikamaru and Umi with Shino. We went to take our spaces Karasu and I either giggling or batting our eyes (well, Karasu just smiled). When we got to them everybody was surprised at what we did. "HEY MOVE IT!!" I yelled pushing Sasuke aside and hugging Naruto. "WHAT!!!???" the class yelled. Sasuke sat on the ground shocked while Karasu and I showered Naruto with hugs and compliments (of course, I was the only one doing some hugging).
When Iruka finally calmed us down he started saying our squads. "Team 7 Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." They all seemed to be happy or unhappy about something, except Sasuke, he was just unhappy. "Team 8 Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame." Kiba grinned while Hinata smiled softly. Shino just stayed there being his usual unemotional self "Team 9 is going to be a six man squad ok? On Team 9, Ginga Kokoro, Karasu Kokoro, Umi Kokoro, Yokina Kokoro, and Yuri Kokoro." we all grinned. Yokina and I fist bumped. "Team 10 is Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akamichi"

~lé time skip~

Yuri P.O.V

We were stuck with Team 7 waiting for our sensei's (who were both late by the way) and it was so boring! I was wondering how Karasu could be so calm when the door opened and Naruto's prank fell on Kakashi's hair "My first impression of you all? Your a bunch of idiots. Kasumi your team is here waiting for you" suddenly a woman with white hair and blood red eyes came into the room "Alright who's on Team 9?" she asked. We raised our hands. She nodded "Since Kakashi and I are pretty tough then Team 7 and Team 9 are going to train together for the first few days alright?" Kasumi said. We nodded. "Good now meet us up at the roof" and with that they poofed away.


SO!! Chapter 3 was pretty good if I do say so mys-

Ling: Thats an opinion!

Venus: I still don't get enough screen time!!

Anna: What are you talking about! I gave you a whole point of view!!


Monroe: Yeah! And-


Monroe: *sits in emo corner*

Emma: You guys didn't have to be so harsh!


Emma: *joins Monroe in emo corner*

Next time!:

Ginga: Yay! Lets introduce ourselves!

Yokina: Hey look! Theres a knife headed right at us!

Umi: EEKK!!!! There's a pervert!

Yuri: WAIT ITS KAKASHI-SENSEI 0///0??!?!??!?!?!??!?!



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