Chapter 1: Hey! Want to come over only to be sucked into our favorite anime?

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  • Dedicated to Ling

I finally did it!!

I was able to make a chapter YAY!!! :3

Anyways to the story!!!!!


I had called over my best friends to have some Naruto time and they still weren't there yet! I asked Monroe, Ling, Venus, and Emma to come over. Monroe had cut her brown hair short and dyed it black to match her eyes. She was tall and had a "don't mess with me or you're dead" attitude, like a rockstar. Ling was loud, crazy, and always cheerful even with her annoying little brother. She was also tall and had long black hair and black eyes too. Emma was crazy and gentle at the same time, like the ocean. She had light brown hair that mixed with her blond highlights, she also had dark brown eyes. Venus was less crazy and more gentle with her long silky black hair and black eyes. She was like a delicate flower. I was a strange child, my personality was all over the place. One minute it was warm hugs and hot cocoa and the next I would be running around screaming for no reason. I had crazy medium dark brown hair and brown eyes. My name was Anna, a pleasure to meet you weird people reading this!

I heard the doorbell ring and rushed to open it, "FINALLY!!!! I WAS WAITING FOR, LIKE, EVER!!!!!" Without another word, I rushed them inside and we settled down to watch the next five episodes of my personal favorite anime, Naruto!

-after the episodes-


Monroe and Emma sweatdropped while Venus sat there...LIKE A BOSS!!!!!! "Honestly you guys are soo weird," Monroe said. "He obviously-" "DONT SPOIL IT!" Emma yelled. "Do NOT spoil it for them! I do not want them to feel the pain I felt when you spoiled the Zabuza saga to me!" she shouted while covering Monroe's mouth. "THANK YOU!" Ling and I shouted. After the episode ended Emma rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Guys lets go to bed now..." We all agreed and Emma went to go first in the bathroom. When she finished Venus went in. Finally, when every had brushed their teeth and gotten ready, we all went to bed.

Venus P.O.V

As I fell asleep I saw something. Just. Something blue, like a blue Lily. It was strange. In my dream, I held the blue lily. It felt cold. Something guided my hands up to my head. The lily dropped onto my head and unlocked something. Something that I had remembered. But I never remember anything. I can never forget

Emma P.O.V

When I was in the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. It had been a long testing day today at school. I sighed. And I heard something. The ocean? I shook my head. I was just tired. I felt something cover me. Oops. Went too fast again. I sighed, so comfortable. And then I was asleep. My dream, hmm. It wasn't like the usual dream of puppies and books. I was standing in front of a golden ocean. I jumped off of the cliff I was standing on. I gasped. Not because I jumped but because everything in the dream was faster than me. The tempo of the ocean was too quick, the sky was turning from day to night and then back in seconds, even the air was hitting my face at a rate that was unnatural. I was falling centimeter by centimeter, ridiculously slow. That can't be right. I can't be slow.

Anna P.O.V
Monroe, Ling and I walked up the stairs to the bedroom. After we all found a place to sleep I covered myself but, before I actually fell asleep I smelled something, blood. I opened my eyes. But I was in my dream. I looked up to see the galaxy. It was all around me. But when I landed on a star, it wasn't hot. I sunk into the ground. It was blood. My eyes widened. I concentrated on getting out but I couldn't. The blood wasn't letting go. I was freakin' out bro. Why couldn't I get out? Blood has to bend to my will.

Ling P.O.V

I skipped to Anna's bedroom where Anna, Monroe, and I would share the room. As I went under my sheets and closed my eyelids I felt the heat on my skin, a light was blasting through my eyelids. But, if Anna turned the light on, how could I feel it when I was asleep. For there I was. Surrounded by Cheerful things like lollipops and, was that a duck? GET OUT FISH BREATH! Anyway, I saw a sword made of candy that was glowing and ran to it. It shrunk away from me. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa? But it's shiny! Plus, swords have to obey me.

Monroe P.O.V

As I brushed my hair, I heard Ling whisper something about a lollipop sword. Trust me in these situations you learn not to ask. I finally got in bed and then it happened. I felt nothing. I heard nothing. I smelled nothing. I saw nothing. My senses had stopped. My emotions had cut off. I felt, no not dead. I just couldn't. I was freed when I woke up. In my dream. I saw pitch black. Then the dark turned to crows circling me. But the crows weren't crows. They were the shadows of crows. I concentrated on making them leave, but they didn't. All they did was fly around me. Shadow after shadow. None of them listening. Like peasants not listening to the Queen.

All P.O.V
But then I turned around. And there she was. Green hair flying. She looked up at me. But in her eyes I saw. She was looking at all of us. All of us. And none of us.


So how was it? I know it was super short but I think it was ok. Then again as the real Ling would say "That's an opinion" oh well! :) hope you like it! Also, mi amigo, that Whaaaaaaaa? Was tots not a spelling error. I DID NOT NEED THE T 0-0


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