Chapter 20: Battle Royal Part Two!

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Anna: Today's Ninja Weather Forecast says clear skies this morning with a bit of sand and sound in the afternoon

Monroe: But before that we have the Kokoro girl's matches!

Emma: And up next is Riri!

???: Psst Venus that's your cue!


???: *giggle* thats a secret!



Yuri P.O.V

As I walked down to the arena I shivered. This was it. My opponent was probably going to be REALLY strong and I needed to think of a good plan. As I walked to the middle of the arena I saw my opponent. He was all lazy sort of reminding me of Shikamaru and Ginga. We walked to our positions and the Chunin started the match. Urui looked at me. "Ladies first." he said. I sat down. "Nah. You can go first." I said while laying down on the ground looking up at the clouds. One of them sort of looked like a weird blob that had a smirk. I blinked as I saw a face above me. "Have fun." said Urui as he took his sword and threw it at me in midair. I used a substitution and threw a kunai at him. He dodged as I made a handseal. I could feel a glare focused at me as I yelled "Fire style: Fireball jutsu!" My opponent dodged quickly and slammed his palm to the ground. "Summoning jutsu" he said. I sweatdropped. The way he said it, it was just plain lazy. Ten wolfs ran out of the smoke towards me and I paled. HEY you would be a ghost too if you saw the size of those dogs! They were a big as elephants! I made a few handsigns and took my two fans. This was gonna be fun.

??? P.O.V

I saw Yuri-chan take a position as if she were a ballerina with her fans poised to cover her face. Then she kicked up into the air, the fans sweeping through the air like butterfly wings uncovering her face. There was a strange blue mark on her face almost like a blue feather. Her hair was black. I was in awe. She growled and her fan slashed down through two wolfs and then . . . "YURI!" I screamed. No. NO! SISTER DON'T DIE!

Yuri P.O.V

I slashed through two dogs and they went "POOF!" As I turned I saw a blade and blood went in my vision. I heard someone call my name. Who were they. The voice sounded familier but it wasn't Ginga, Yokina, Karasu, or Umi. Who were they? Who. . . was. . . that? It was dark. I was dead.

Karasu P.O.V

Yokina, Umi, and Ginga were crying. I looked lazily. I felt shocked stares looking at the battlefield. I scoffed. "Loser." I said before turing around. Then I couldn't move. My own Shadow was trying to strangle me. "Why are you not doing anything? Why aren't you crying." he said. I looked at Shikamaru. "Because I have no reason to. She's only dead." I said. Ino and Sakura gave me disgusted glares as the rest looked at me angrily. Shikamaru looked furious. "She was your sister!" Ino yelled. "You monster!" Sakura screamed. I made the shadows let me go. "Yes. I am a monster. Thank you very much for stating the obvious." I said. "Umi, Ginga, Yokina, we're going. Stop acting I doubt they have oscars to give to you" I said. They got up. "Okaaaay!" said Yokina cheerfully. "Did you have to take the fun out of it?" Ginga pouted. "Oh come on we should at least be a bit sad that our sister died." Umi said quietly. Then all four of us burst out laughing. "Yeah right!" Umi said. Everyone looked disgusted. Naruto fumed. "WHY ARE YOU TAKING THIS SO HAPPILY? I THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD BE SAD! YOU ARE DEMONS!" Ginga looked at him. "Yes, but so are you." And with that Naruto attacked. Ginga just paralyzed him. "If you want to fight rest before we do. I'll fight you after Sasuke's match." she said. He stayed there fuming as we walked away.

Yuri P.O.V

Death was . . . interesting, it was dark and bright at the same time. All I could see was me and the rest was pure darkness. As I walked around I realized something. If everything was dark, how come I saw the floor? I focused my chakra into my hands to form my fans. I looked at a lock of my hair. It was black. The color my hair always changed into. I smirked. Note to self: Stop hanging around Ginga and Karasu, why not start hanging out with Umi and Yoki? They don't smirk. Much. Anyways, I lifted my fans, it was time. "Kokoro Clan hidden technique: Wings of the Mind!" My fans blew away all that disgusting death. It was a revival jutsu. But now I could only use it two more times. Why did our clan need this revival jutsu? Because of our fourth kekkai genkkai stage. As I woke up I noticed that I was surrounded by dust. Good, a cover. As I lifted my fans I said, "Kokoro style!: Butterfly slice!" My fans became butterfly wings as I shot up into the air clearing the dust away from me and making the rest of the summons go back to their world. Urui's eyes widened as I shot at him, dropped my fans (which not only let me form handseals but also trapped him), and yelled, "Mind style: Wings of a flower!" Which made him get trapped in a genjutsu world where flowers could fly and trap humans to torture for picking them. The arena was silent as I landed on the ground and took my fans which had shrunk thankfully. (Imagine me lugging those things around all the time. Ughh the back pain -_-) The chunin looked at me shocked. "Uh, Yuri Kokoro wins the match." I smiled as I put the two fans in my ninja pac. As I walked up I heard crying. Who was that? Then a hooded girl ran past me. Was she the one crying? I shrugged and kept on walking. Hey it wasn't any of my business so I shouldn't try to get involved. As I kept on walking up Ginga, Yokina, Umi, and Karasu hugged me. Well, Ginga, Umi, and Yokina did. Karasu just stood there arms folded, smirking in a proud manner. I had won my match. See? I'm not weak.

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Anna: I just realized that could look like a huge swear word. . . oops?

Monroe: We're going to have to wash your mouth with soap now Anna *evil glint in eye*

Emma: Poor poor Anna *in backround Monroe pulling Anna to the shadows of the bathroom*

Ling: Let me watch!

Venus: I'll get the popcorn

Emma: Extra butter


Emma: WAIT!

Anna: What?

Emma; I need to announce something. . . . IN THE NEXT CHAPTER/AUTHOR'S NOTE!!!

Next Time!:

Ginga:. . .

Yokina:. . .

Umi:. . .

Riri: . .

Karasu: . . boo

All: AHH!

Wait, thats it? I mean- NEXT TIME?: Chapter Zero: Author's Note?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

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