Chapter 1

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"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" you say.

"Bye y/n (your name)!" your mom says.

"Have fun at Hogwarts, kiddo!" your dad says.

You walk to the entrance of Platform 9 and 3/4 and you see Hermione.

"Hermione!" you say, running up to her.

"Y/n!" Hermione says, as she hugs you tightly, "You look amazing by the way!"

*You had a big glow up over the summer. The boys will be able to see that too. 😏*

"Awww thanks Hermione. You too," you say.

You put all of your luggage and your *Hogwarts pet of your choosing* on the cart and Hermione does the same. You both walk to the entrance of Platform 9 and 3/4. You run through the wall to get to the train station.

That always feels weird, running through the wall, you think.

You both get through the wall and Hermione says, "Come on, y/n, the train's about to leave!"

You run to the train door and drop off your stuff. You get your *Hogwarts pet of your choosing* and Hermione gets Crookshanks. You both get onto the train and see Ron and Harry.

"Ron! Harry! It's so nice to see you both!" you and Hermione say.

"Hermione! Y/n! We've missed you both so much!" Ron and Harry say.

Harry and Ron run up to you and Hermione and hug you both.

You guys find empty seats and sit down. You guys talk for a little bit and then you see Oliver Wood walk by. You turn to the golden trio and say, "Sorry guys, I got to go."

"Bye y/n! See you later!" Hermione says.

"Bye y/n!" Ron says.

"Bye y/n, see you when we get to Hogwarts!" Harry says.

You're walking to get to Oliver but he's a fast walker so you yell his name.

After calling his name a lot, he finally turns around.

"Oliver! Hey! How are you?" you say.

"Hey y/n!" Oliver says, excited to see you, "I'm good, now that you're here with me."

You start to blush and say, "Let's go find some seats."

You both look for seats and finally find some after looking for seats for a few minutes. Oliver sits down and you sit down next to him.

"So, are you excited for the quidditch season?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous about being quidditch co-captain," you say, "What if I mess up?"

"You will be great. And I'll be here for you the entire time. I've been co-captain before, so if you need any help, I'll be here," Oliver says.

"Thanks Oliver," you say, "Oh my god!"

"What? What's wrong?" Oliver asks, a little concerned.

"I forgot! It's your first time as quidditch team captain! Are you excited?" you ask.

"I'm kind of nervous."

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