37. Meeting

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I wake up feeling a heavy weight on top of me. I blink a couple of times before I see that it is the one and only corpse that is crushing me. The sheets have slipped off of his back, so I gently trace his back with my fingers. He hums and squeezes me. I chuckle as I'm actually being crushed. 'Hey, could you....' I push him a little. He whines in annoyance. 'You're heavy.' I say. Pebbles jumps onto the bed and purrs as she pushes her little paws up and down on corpse back. He shifts his head and kisses my neck. 'Just a little longer.' He says. I sigh and place my hands on his bare shoulders. I gently rub his shoulder with one hand as I move the other into his hair. 'I havent slept this long in a long time .' He says. 'That's good to hear, and also not.' I say.

After a while we get up.

I have a small party with some of my friends planned tonight. It's not really a party, but we make it one anyways.

Evening falls as I slip into a tight dark red dress, putting a leather jacket over it with some black heels. I put on dark makeup and some perfume, leaving my hair like it is, falling in waves over my shoulders and back. 'I'm heading out!' I say as I stuff my keys and phone into my pocket. I hear quick steps coming down the stairs. 'You're already heading out?' He asks before he's down the stairs completely. 'Well it is nearly eight....' I say. He looks up and blushes as he sees me. 'Damn baby.' He says as he slows his steps, giving him more time to look me over. 'Corpse!' I say getting embarrassed. He stops in front of me, smiling innocently as he places his hands on my waist. 'Tight.' He says as he looks down and squeezes my waist a little with his hands. 'I have to head out, I'll take a cab so feel free to go to bed when you feel like it.' I say. 'I'll be waiting for you to come back.' He says. I look at him for a second before I nod. 'Alright. I'll text when I'll be heading back, like you asked.' He smiles and quickly kisses my lips 'good. Go and have fun, text me if you need me.' He says. 'I will.'

I get a text saying that the cab arrived when I'm in the elevator.
It's a fifteen minute drive, so I'm there before I know it.

'There she is!' Olivia says as I get out of the cab.
'Hey.' I say. Diana walks up to me, pulling me with them.

We sit down and Olivia orders us drinks.
She comes back, three drinks in hand and sets the down before taking a seat. 'You've been hiding a man.' She says. I look up at her, surprised. 'How do you-' I laugh 'no, no. Speak up. Where the fuck have you been?' She asks as she raises one eyebrow and leans onto the table. 'I moved into a new apartment.' I say. She sighs with a smile. 'I'm talking about something else.' She says. Diana giggles 'you haven't had a boyfriend in a long time even though you work in the army. What's so special about this one huh?' She asks. 'I want to know too.' Olivia says.

We've had a few drinks by now, all feeling it a little. 'So what about that guy?' Diana asks as she points at a light blond, shy looking guy. 'He's cute.' Diana says. 'Go say hi Olivia.' I grin 'yeah, go say hi.' She gives me a pointed look, making me tilt my head a little 'I dare ya.' I say. She downs her drink before standing up. 'Fine.' She walks over before leaning over his shoulder. She says something silencing both men. After that she walks back over with a smirk. 'Happy now?' She asks. I laugh my ass off as I see the blond guy looking back red faced.

'You totally fell.' Diana says. 'No way!' Olivia says back as I laugh. 'You can't tell me that actually happened.' I say covering my mouth. 'It didn't.'
We're all giggling because of the alcohol at this point.
'So just to go back. Who are you with?' Olivia asks as she leans forward again. 'Some Guy.' I say as I feel funny. I'm drunk, way past saving. 'Would we approve?' She asks as she lifts her eyebrow before taking another swig. I lift my hand before pointing a finger at her. I giggle as I reach for my phone.

'Oh you'll love this.'

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