84. Brother.

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'Hey cut the bullshit!' I yell at the group of new recruits. 'Jesus Harris. What is going on with you?' Marksen says. I glare at him, he raises his eyebrow and folds his arms across his chest. 'Sorry.' I say as I turn back  and watch the group. 'I know you well enough, what's going on.' He says. I look at Marksen. I sigh, he's right he knows me well enough. I joined the army at 17, being the youngest in the basic training. Marksen, two years older then me joined at the same time and took me under his wing. Ever since basic training we've been together until I got my degree in nursing and became Lieutenant military nurse and got my own platoon assigned. Yet we work together. Everyone in the army knows that we work best together. 'Wait let me guess. It's November.' He says. I wait to see if he can actually guess. 'Hmm. I think I know. We'll talk during break.' He says. I nod.

'Alright, break. Let's all take a break, drink something, eat something. Ten minutes before being back here.' Marksen says. Everyone quickly hurries off. 'Happy birthday Amelia.' He says as he turns to me. I tear up and look away 'fuck off, you know it's not happy.' I say. He turns me back to him and hugs me 'I know. Doesn't mean it should be forgotten, Harris.' He says. I pull away 'I'm trying to forget, so do me a favor.' I say. 'Fine, wanna forget? Tag along with me and the guys, we're going to a bar.' He says. 'I have someone to take care of at home.' I say. 'C actually fell ill?' He asks. 'Yes. And his sister is staying with us. And christmas is coming up and I.... I....' he pulls me in for another hug, this time I hug back. 'Happy birthday, you were able to fight through another year.' He says. He pulls away 'besides, you survived three gunshot wounds and you have a boyfriend.' He says as he pats my shoulder. 'Cheers to another year of misery.' He says with a painful smile. He hasn't been doing well either, so I'm saying it while being in the same situation makes me smile a little. 'Thanks fucker.' I say as I push past him. 'Ey! Was that genuine? Was that a genuine smile?' He asks as he hurries to catch up on me. 'Shut up.' I say as I push him away.

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