59. Training.

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I get up early and put in my uniform. I quietly get downstairs, seeing how it's 5:30 am and corpse is still asleep. I get my keys and and head out.

I stand ready at the base at 6:30.
I wait till the fire alarm goes off. 'Ten second!' The person who will turn it on says. I look at my watch and nod. They should be out within three minutes. The alarm rings and I stand at the meeting spot for my team. The general admiral stands by and watches all staff as we wait for our guy to make their way out. I first notice Jackson Brook, and smithy being dragged out. They head to me and wait in their underwear. 'Where are the others?' I ask seeing that more then half of the time has passed. 'Eversman is getting them.' Jackson answer. More men walk out, heading t Marksen's spot. Jackson sighs and runs back to the door of the building. Soon after he comes back, and they all stand around me with 40 seconds left. 'Slightly disappointing.' I say, seeing how they too 3 second longer then last time. Eversman is fully dressed and loding his rifle, completely ready. Jackson is dressed too. The other are either just wearing socks and a shirt, or a jacket and boots. At least they all hold their weapon, which is the most important part. 'Attention!' One of the leading ones yells, making the whole field go quiet. My guys move to stand in line. 'Harris!' I step in front of my group. 'Weapons?!' I already counted '18 out of 18 sir!' I answer. 'Time?!' '2 minutes and 20 seconds!' I answer. Then they question the others. 'The 15th led by Lieutenant Harris was fastest.' My guys cheer. I nod

'There's a training weekend soon, everyone is allowed to bring one person.' Jackson says. 'Oh! Ma'am bring your boyfriend!' Jonson says. 'Yeah!' The others chime in. 'What kind of training weekend?' I ask Jackson. 'An easy one ma'am. They have those along each individual branch but this time it's everyone. Evesgate will join too.' He says. 'Really?!' I ask excitedly. 'Yeah.' He answers. 'Air force too?' I ask. He shrugs 'guess so. Why?' I take a sip before answering 'my sister works there.' They seem surprised 'what?' I ask confused by it. 'We didn't know ma'am.' Micheals says. I shrug before taking another sip. 'But you'll ask him right? Brooks asks. 'Sure, I will.' I say. 'Yes!' Jonsen says happily. 'Can you call him? Can you ask now.' I laugh at how childish they are 'it's just past seven, I don't want to wake him.' I say. 'Ahw, but please.' I shake my head 'no. I'll give you the answer after I asked.'

We train the whole day and get to work on some of the things that could use improvement. 'Watch your six Smithy!' I yell. 'But I'm busy!' He says. 'Break!' I yell. They all stop in their tracks as I walk up to smithy. He looks a little scared, knowing he messed up. 'The fuck are you doing?!' I ask him. He stands up 'ma'am! I Uhm....' he looks at the mess at his feet. 'I need to get the radio working so I can contact nearby platoons for help.' He says. 'No im asking what you're doing.' I say. 'Making a mess of things, Lieutenant.' He answers as he looks away. Smithy is the youngest and newest here. 'Listen to me. You're supposed to have that thing fixed and checked before you start. You're supposed to stick with your buddy. And you need to watch your ass, if this were real, Jonson could have shot your ass.' I say. He turns to where I'm pointing and Jonson waves with his weapon. 'I'm sorry, Lieutenant.' He says. I place my hand on his shoulder 'that doesn't fix things. Get your shit together and learn from your mistakes.' I say before stepping back. 'We're going I again! Back to your positions.' Everyone moves back

At the end of the day I head home. Seeing how it was early, I'm pretty tired.

I head into the building and then into the elevator. I start to look for my keys, seeing how they're not in the usual pocket. The elevator dings and I step out while looking into the pocket on my leg. The second I notice someone's in front of me, I get pushed back into the wall. 'Good to know you get home at this hour.' The one and only pervert James says. He has my hands pinned to my sides and he stands to the side of me so I can't knee him. 'The fuck are you doing. Let go of me.' I say. He leans down and kisses my neck. 'Hey! Leave me the fuck alone!' I say in a loud and angry voice. He starts to suck the skin as I try to wiggle free. 'Back off!' I say as I try to push him away with my foot. He moves his face back, smirking at what he did to my neck. I hear a door open 'leave me alone, you pervert.' I say as I try to move away from him. 'The fuck is this?' I quickly turn to the familiar voice, letting out a breath. The guy looks at corpse for a second before chuckling. He grabs my face roughly and kisses me, forcing himself in. He let go of my hand, fucking mistake. I hit him, bare knuckles in his face. He stumbles back, making me reach for my pocket knife and flicking out the blade. He sees the knife and wants to turn around, but corpse steps in his way. 'Fucking touching my girlfriend?!' He says angrily. He even scares me a little. 'Fucking answer me!' He says as he grabs the guys shirt and slams his back into the wall. 'I-I did.' He says. Corpse is raging with anger. 'Let me fucking warn you. Ever fucking touch her again, I'll find you.' He says, his yelling stoped which makes the pure hatred in his voice even scarier. 'I get it! I get it! Just let me go man.' Corpse roughly lets him go and pushes him towards the staircase.

He turns to me looking worried, all anger having disappeared. He jogs over and holds my face in both hands. Suddenly memories of worse things that happened to me fill my mind, making me shake and loose my breath. 'You okay?' He asks as he looks my face over. I shake my head no before he pulls me in for a hug. 'Hang on.' He says as he lifts me up. I wrap myself around him as I cry into his shoulder. He walks us back to our apartment and locks the door.

He sets me down on the couch, trying to dry my tears.
Why now.
Why this?

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