Prince Sanji X Peasant Reader

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Request by: Vemu_Abhi
Hope ya enjoy!
I kinda took two of your ideas and combined them 👉🏼👈🏼
Like bit of spoilers.
Please like and comment!

You knocked on the pristine door with a blushing smile on your face. "Young master? It's time for you to wake up, you have a lot of work to do today." You said behind the door, knocking on the door once again. "Young master? Must be still asleep." You talked to yourself with a giggle as you began opening the door.

"I'm coming in, please pardon my rudeness." You whispered quietly as to not wake him yet from his slumber. Your (e/c) colored eyes soon fell on his peaceful sleeping face. You smiled lovingly at him, making your way towards him. You sat on the side of his bed, and began admiring his handsome features.

You brushed away his blonde hair to the side of his face allowing you to see his whole face making you smile. You placed your hand on his shoulder and shook him slightly in the hopes of waking him up. "Prince Sanji, it's time to wake up."

In response he grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to himself. Still asleep he cuddled you closely, burying your face into his chest, allowing you to see his defined muscles. A blush crossed your face, feeling absolute pure happiness with the hopes of him finally-

"Oh my dearest Nami! You are a princess among princess! I want to be with you forever my dearest! I will serve you like the queen you are!" He sleeper talked.

'Of course.' Your heart broke once again, oh how you wished those words were meant for you. You wanted to cry, but you just couldn't. What where you even expecting, him to like a simple maid like you? He only saw you maybe as a close sister at most, since you grew up along his by his side as a maid in training. Later to become his personal maid by his request. You started to shake him awake harder this time.

"Prince Sanji! Stop this foolishness, and wake up this instant!" You yelled in his ear trying your best to hide the hurt you felt. Once he let go of you with a groan, you quickly got out of his bed and walked towards the large heavy curtains. Pulling them away from each other, you allowed the morning sun light to seep on through allowing the light to hit the blondes eyes.

He groans once more pulling the blanket over his head, trying his best to hide from the sun's evil rays that prevent him from sleep. "Close it. Please.. I want to spend more time with my dearest Nami."

"Sanji, you need to wake up. You have work to do. Plus you need to eat soon, it's almost noon." You couldn't let the sound of hurt intertwine with your words. But you couldn't help it if you did, he wouldn't notice it anyway. You where only like a little sister to him. He will never see you as the woman you want him to see you as. "Please get up Prince Sanji." Pushing down your feelings and smiled.

Sanji sat up, rubbing his eye and yawning. "(Y/n) I've told you before. You can call me Sanji. It's quite weird if you add the prince part to it." He looked at you with a smile making you completely forgetting about the hurt that you just felt.

"But I simply can't. It's not right for me, a simple servant and maid, to neglect your blood line would be a serious offense." You smiled at him as you walked up to him. You placed your hand on top of his head and roughed up his beautiful blond hair. "But I guess if it's alright with you. I'll call you Sanji when we are alone."

You both smiled at each other and started laughing. "I'm so glad that I have a friend like you!"


Your smiled faltered, and tears weld up in your eyes but you refused for them to fall.

You focused on his smile.

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