Zoro X Reader (Modern)

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A wonderful friend of mine helped me with the plot so not all of the storyline is mine. I don't own any of the characters (sadly) or you (of course)


'I hope things are different this time.' You thought as you got out of your apartment with your backpack over your shoulders as you turned to lock your door.

You lived alone because you ran away from home at the age of 13. Your parents didn't really care and supported the idea, you know this because they never sent anyone after you. They treated you just like other people in this world.

You sighed, you just wanted to be different but every time something would always push you down, you just wanted a different life from the one you had now.

You thought this as you walked into your new school, One Piece High. Once you stepped onto the campus, people already stopped what they were doing and glared at you. You sighed as you felt that pain in your heart, that pain you felt ever since the first grade, that pain that made you truly forget what love felt like. Your grip on your books tightened. You felt like crying.

You went to your homeroom. The teacher there had a huge smile, red hair, and three scares going across his left eye. You then notice he only had one arm.

"Ok class, we have a new student today." He said nicely, but you were sure it was a cover up. No one was ever nice to you when they fist see, talk or just meet you in general, plus it's his job as a teacher. He's SUPPOSED to be both nice and strict. Plus you knew he was going to give you failing grades on purpose. If only you knew.

You looked at the class. They were glaring and whispering mostly. Some just looked at you and waved, smiled or just plainly stared at you with an emotionless face (can you guess who? :3), but you were sure it was fake, just a simple cover up. If only you knew.

"Now,would you like to give us your name? I'm Mr. Shanks, but just call me Shanks, like the rest of the class." He said. You nodded in reply.

"(Y/n) (l/n)" is all you said as you head towards the only desk open. You avoided the feet that tried to trip you, as you walked towards your seat.

Once at your desk you noticed a man with green hair sound asleep on his desk with drool coming out of his mouth.

The teacher noticed him but continued to teach the class that was actually paying attention, leaving you there thinking 'What the hell?'.

You pushed it aside and stated drawing on our paper. Besides you already know what he is teaching.

The day flew past you, and it was now lunch. The worst time of the day, for you that is.

This is the time of day were people throw food at you... constantly, trip you, call you names, and so much more.

You sighed as you sat down and started eating your lunch.

As you began eating your lunch, a guy wearing a straw hat yelled your name causing you to turn his head towards his direction.

"Hey (y/n), why don't you sit with me and my friends!" He yelled with a smile. You looked at his friends, they too were smiling and looking at you.

"Don't listen to them, their just trying to trick you." A miniature devil-like creature, that looked like you,said as she appeared on your left shoulder. (or was it right? I have no idea! Oh well on with the story)

"No (y/n), say yes! They are really friendly." The miniature angel-like creature, that yet again looked like you, said as she appeared on your right shoulder.

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