Bully!Eustass Kid X Bullied!Depressed!Reader

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Warning: Curse words, why? Because this is fucking Kid!
Not everyone can see it, well unless they look into the eyes. After all the eyes are the window to your soul. Other then that, no one can read another person's feelings. The joy, happiness, anger, jealousy, or sadness.

To be frank, your depressed. You fake smiles, happiness, and joy. What your really feeling? Sadness, depression, and guilt. Want to know what makes it worse? Your the #1 bully's personal punching bag.

You don't know what happened. You just bumped into his shoulder a few weeks after the school year started. He just looked at you, causing you to feel intimidated and saying a small 'sorry', and continued on with life by walking away.

You could feel his eyes glaring at the back of your head. At that time you where happy at school, but not at home. He made your life worse.

After that day, you often found him following you to your classes. He would start hanging around the places you would. Then a few months later, he completely changed his schedule to match yours. That's when he started bullying you.

It began with abusive notes, mean words, and threats.

In the middle of the year, he started physically hitting you whenever he saw you alone. That lasted for around a week, then he began hitting you in crowded areas.

His friends never did anything, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. They didn't help him nor stop him. They just looked at you with a straight face. But their eyes held regret and guilt.

The only time they every stopped him was when it went to far. But that was only at school, at home no one stopped your aunts.

At school your a punching bag, but at home your worse than a female dog.

Your depressed life started the day your parents died in a bank robbery. The criminals said they never wanted to hurt anyone; they said it was an accident, but if you looked in their eyes you could see they where happy they got to kill something.

At the funereal, it was decided that you'll live with your aunts from your mom side. No one from your father's side wanted you because of your mother, and no one from your mother's side wanted you truly because of your father. Your father was known as a man greater then any policemen in the world, and your mother was the daughter of a mafia leader. Your aunts saw passed that and took you in, at least that's what you thought.

When you got to your new home, they started beating you up and forcing you to clean and do everything around the house. They yelled at you everyday, saying 'your bloodline shouldn't exist'.

It was a normal day in your own personal hell hole.

You woke up from a beating from your most favorite aunts and was forced to cook for them, giving you very little time to apply make up to the slight bruises on your face and put some long sleeve clothes to cover up the lines going across your arms and legs. (N/a: if your cutting, you probably have your reasons for doing so. But it's bad. It doesn't help things in the very slightest, just makes things far worse then they should be. So tell someone, it could be a parent, a trusted adult, or a very trusted friend. Cutting doesn't help, it just makes you fall deeper into depression and shows the people that cause you to cut that they are getting to you. So tell someone you absolutely trust, they can stop it if you let them help.)

Before anything could happen you quickly ran out of the house and started to walk towards school. You weren't exactly in a rush, even if you were to be counted tardy, you just wanted a few extra minutes from being beaten up again by Kid.

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