Cheater Luffy x Reader

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You were humming a tune your mother sang to you when you were little. As you hummed the tune you started walking to the mast were you sat down.

You looked up at the sky and thought about your life before meeting the Straw Hat Pirates.

Everyone called you Karma or Bad Luck. Why? Because you always got bad luck or you inflected it on others around you or the ones that you care about the most.

Take your family for example. To begin with, your father never really wanted you to begin with he didn't want anything to do with you before you were even born. But your mother was a different story, she loved you with all her heart; she would do anything for you. And that's what she did.

One day when it was raining outside, your father grabbed you and pulled you to the street. He waited for a car to come by and one did after about an hour of waiting.

Being four, you didn't understand what was happening. You kept on asking your father, but he either ignored you or abused you in some shape or form.

You felt cold and wet, at that time all you were wearing was a (f/c) tank top and (s/f/c) shorts while your father had a raincoat and a umbrella over his head.

You tried to ask him if he would give you his umbrella at least but you would always remember that he would hurt you mentally or physically.

Your mother had noticed that you and your father were gone so she went out looking for you. She also didn't know why your father hated you. He was a loving man and loved children deeply, but for some reason he seemed to hate you.

As she looked she noticed you and your father at the side of the road, with your father protect from the rain and you soaked to the bone.

She saw a car come by and noticed that your father was picking you up.

You thought that he was actually being a real father so you didn't fight back. But how wrong you were.

Just when the car was in the reach, he throw you up in the air above the car. Your mother had ran to you and grabbed and hugged you as she used her body to shield you from the car.

Things happened so fast and one thing lead to another. Your father went to jail for attempt in murder and murder itself, causing your mother to die because he killed her and you to now be homeless, and barely able to survive.

Other things happened and you met the Straw Hat Pirates. They were the only group of people who excepted you for you and asked you to join their crew.

Time then past to the point where you started dating the captain. Everything was perfect in your opinion, there were no more heart breaks for you, or so you thought.

You started wondering were your captain of a boyfriend was. He has been disappearing from time to time and you always got this weird feeling when he did.
You started walking around trying to find out what he has been doing all this time.

You asked the boys if they have seen him but they all said no or they were asleep.

You looked for Nami and Robin. You didn't find Nami but you did find Robin in the library.

"Hey Robin, do you know where Luffy is at by any chance?" You asked the ravin haired girl as you started messing with your (h/l) (h/c) hair while you looked at her.

She knows where he is but she also knew what would happen to you if she told you but she also knew that you would find out sooner or later. But both ends will cause you to have a broken heart either way which saddened the ravin haired woman, but she had to be a good friend for you.

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