Carrot X Child!Male!Reader

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In this world its either fight or flight. It doesnt quite matter if your a kid or an adult. You have to choose. Sometimes you get lucky, other times not so much.

You where in the unlucky group. You where abandoned by your father because you where weaker then your two older brothers and your mother because you wherent a girl like she wanted.

So you where shoved into a box and trapped there. You knew you where then put on a ship because you could feel the swaying of the boat. But no one was on the boat. It was just a simply boat used for fishing. 

You drifted for you dont know how long, but you knew more then a week. 

You later then crashed into a moving land. It sounds weird but you swear it is moving. The boat got destroyed, but to your surprised the box wasnt.

"Hey something is down there!" A voice yelled.


"Yeah there is a box! It might contain supplies from a sunken ship."

"If it where from a sunken ship then how the hell is it floating!?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Bring it up! Lets see whats in it!"

"But it could be dangerous."

"There is many of us and one box. I think it'll be totally fine.

"Dont jinx it!"

You heard a clacking sound as a hook hooked on to the box you where in, you where too scared to do anything. How where they going to react? Where they going to kill you? What if they wanted to feed you to the fishes once when they found out you where useless.

"It's kinda heavy."

"Maybe its beer?"

"Nah doesnt smell like it at all."

"Well we'll find out soon enough."

Before you knew it, you where on land and threw the cracks of the box you could see shadows, but they didnt look like a human's. This was scaring you beyond belief.

No one was going to help you though, no one cared to help you. You where too unwanted.

"Hurry up and open it! The suspense is killing me!"

"Alright, alright!"

This is it, you where going to die. 

The box lid came off, and for the first time in a long time, you saw the sun. It was way brighter then you remembered. 

"Its a boy!"

"Why is a human boy cramped up in a box?"

"Its a child. Who could be so cruel to him."

You where to scared to comprehend what they where saying. The thought of the minks killing you was too great. You wanted to run away but the fact that you havent moved you legs in a while and that you where surrounded didnt exactly help either. It kept you in that very spot.

"Hey he's scared."

"It's understandable, considering he's in a new place. Someone should get him food though. He looks like he is about to die of starvation."

"Wait i'm a doctor, do get him food. I'm going to give him a check to see if he needs anything else." A goat wearing a lab coat and was followed by a squirrel with a nurses out fit.

"I'll get some food", a dog with brown hair said and quickly ran somewhere.

"Whats your name little boy?" the doctor asked with a sort of smile on his face. You where too scared to reply, and shifted back toward the corner unknowingly.

"Poor kid." A white bunny said as she came in front of the crowd. She looked so fluffy and less intimidating then the others to you. You looked at her, and inched a bit towards her.

"Hey, the kid seems to have taken a liking to Carrot" Whispered the minks to themselves.

"My name is Carrot. Whats your name little guy?" Carrot said with a smile as she lowered to your hight. 

"( Y / n )" you whispered timidly as o looked at the other minks in worry.

"Aw, well ( Y / n ),  why don you come over here and we have this nice doctor check up on you to make sure your ok. Ok?" Carrot said in a kind voice with a smile staying on her face. You accepted with a nod of your head, and slowly grabbed her paw / hand from her knee. The you timidly walked toward the doctor, with Carrot following you.

The doctor smiled as he asked you t sit on a rock as he did the check up, making she there was nothing wrong with you.

"Alright then. He would be perfectly healthy once we get some food and water in him" The doctor concluded. 

"Thank God." Everyone said to themselves and smiled to those around them.

"Now who will take take care of him?" The nurse asked.

"Its has to be Carrot. Look at how hes clinging on to her." A mink said as he pointed to you, causing everyone to look at you. You where looking at all of them with your arms wrapped around Carrots shoulders and you legs wrapped around her waist.

"I guess thats settled if Carrot agrees."

"Oh, of course I dont mind." She answered with a wide smile as she wrapped he hands around you to make sure you dont fall. "I think it'll be quiet fun. Right ( Y / n )?" She asked turning her head towards you.

"Hum? Oh Yeah!" You smiled a wide smile towards everyone.


Yes, yes I know its terrible. I tried on this one. But I just didnt know how to write it properly without it being cringy. So sorry if it is...

~Soma out

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