Kidd x Reader

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"(Y/n)!" You heard your name being screamed. Kidd. He must've found out what you did last night. It's probably stupid but still funny.

He interrupted your thoughts when he came charging into your room with black words on his face. Yep that's right you wrote on his face. That's probably not the best idea to do if it's our captain.

You started laughing. He just got madder. You had drawn a dog's face and a couple of smilie faces all over his face. On his arm you wrote your name and underneath your name was the words 'I'm sexy and I know it'. Yes the saying was old but honestly you didn't know what to put. But the thing is you did it with a permanent marker.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! Why the hell would you write on my face!" He yelled while you just continued to laugh. The rest of the crew members came running in probably thinking someone was attacking but what they found was a laughing (y/n) and a very pisses off captain with drawings on his face.

They just faced palmed. You always pull jokes on the captain so they pretty much got used to it but Killer had to stay just incase something happen, *cough* Kidd *cough*; not like that will very happen thought. Just a precaution, for Kidd or your's safety. (You sometimes get into fights sometimes your the winner other times he was the winner)

Whenever you played jokes on Kidd all he did was scream and yell at you. He never got physical with you. Anymore that is. At first he did, but that was when you got into fights. Now all he does is yell at you.

The reason you play jokes on him, and only him, is because that's the only way you know how to show your love to him. Yeah that's right you fell in love with Kidd, from the very start once when he landed on your home island. He was the one that saved it, after you begged him to help. In return you would join his crew. He immediately said no to the proposal, in return you said nothing, changed into your devil fruit form, and ran off to go save your village. With some convincing from Killer and the rest of his crew, he followed you.

You ate the fox-fox fruit nine tails version. A mythic fruit, very rare. Your devil fruit was the only thing that got you to be a member of the Kidd Pirates. Or so you thought.

You stopped laughing as he grabbed you by the wrist, dragging you to the bathroom. Killer didn't follow. He just went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast since the whole crew is up already. Besides if anything went wrong he could just break down the wall. (Your bathroom was right next to the kitchen.)

The door had been slammed shut and locked as Kidd went in. He walked over to where you keep your clean towels. He grabbed one of your favorites and handed it to you demanding you scrub his face clean with only this towel.

Of course you argued, but realizing this is Kidd we're talking about, king of stubbornness and anger, you soon gave in.

You scrubbed his face gently with the (f/c) towel. It surprised him, but he would never admit that.

You were gentle while scrubbing his face and arm. It would get a little rough when you got irritated by a spot that won't come out. But he liked it. No wait that wasn't the right word. He loved it. He loved how your hands were moving around his skin, sometimes in his hair if you couldn't reach the drawing. He loved the fact that your (h/c) hair would get in your face and you would stop to push it back. But what he loved more was what you were wearing, it would have given him a major nosebleed if he hadn't mastered a poker face.

You were wearing a (f/c) top with absolutely no bra. Did I forget to mention that it was kinda see through? Well it was. Also you were wearing (s/f/c) shorts that should be called underwear. But hey you didn't have time to change also you didn't expect Kidd to wake up this early.

"Almost done captain." You said breaking him out of his thoughts. He looked at you then back at the mirror. His face was clean and there were a few red marks here and there were you had to scrub hard, but there weren't too many.

You were walking over towards his arm. As you were kneeling down your face and his face were only a few inches apart. Of course you didn't notice as you were scrubbing his arm, but he sure as hell did.

As you were standing you, you then realized just how close you two where making you blush, causing home to blush.

You where about to move away but someone *cough* Killer *cough* kicked you in the back making you land on your captain. Also did I forget to mention that you two are basically kissing?

The magically locked door was now relocked. Worst part is, is that Killer stole the key Kidd had. How he did it was beyond you.

As you pulled away and started to get up, he pulled you back down by wrapping his arms around your waist. "And where do you think your going?" He asked a little bit smug.

"Out of here" was your only answer. Don't get me wrong you were liking the position you guys were in. But you were liking it too much.

"Don't think so" was all he said before your lips connected again. At first you were shocked but then you soon melted into the kiss.

After about a minute, the need of air became greater, causing you both to pull away.

"(Y/n). Tell me. Why do you like to prank me?" He asked as he positioned you were your sitting on his lap.

"Its the only way I know to express my love for you captain." You said as his arms around you got tighter. His head rested on your shoulder.

"(Y/n) your not going to pull pranks are on me ever again right?" He asked.

"Sorry captain. It's the only way I know how to express my love for you Kidd" you said. A second later, you found yourself pined to the wall.

"Why don't I teach you?" He asked

~~~extended ending~~~

Kidd ended up in the infirmary after being scratched, punched, kicked and a firebomb coming towards his face.

Not to mention being called a pervert from the one he loves.

He heard a knock on the door. He responded with a 'come in'. (Y/n) came in and sat on the bed he was laying on.

"I'm sorry captain. I went a little bit over the top" (y/n) got an eye roll in response. She then leaned down and kissed his nose.

Kid grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in bed with him cuddling her.

"Mention this to anyone. Your dead" Kidd mumbled but you could still hear what he was saying. In reply he got a giggle as you started to get comfortable.

"I love you Kidd"

"I love you too (y/n)" he replied as he kissed your cheek.

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