Law X Doflamigo's Daughter Reader

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WARNING!!! Ok I have not gotten to this part so for now I'm going to improvise as best as I can ok?... Ok. Also there might be a lot of OC.

You were currently on the island Dressrosa with your father, Doflamingo.

You were currently bored out of your mind your father won't let you outside because of your relationship with the captain of the Heart Pirates.

He had known about you feelings for the raven haired devil fruit user. You had known him since childhood.

Your father knows that you won't be able to fight him, his crew, or the crew helping him. He knows that you would help them instead of fighting.

He also knows that would be bad because your own devil fruit power allows you to control people, but not with invisible strings, with your voice.

You sighed as you looked around your empty room.

Your head turned towards the locked door making your (h/l) (h/c) hair follow as you heard heels clicking on the floor.

"Oi, (y/n), are you alright?" The ravin haired women said as she walked into the room with a tray of food. She had a worried look on her face as she looked at the (h/c) haired women in front of her.

"Like hell I am. I want out." You responded looking out the window. "I need your help Baby 5." You continued now looking at the raven haired devil fruit user.

"Oh my. I'm not so sure (y/n), the young master might get mad at us." Baby 5 replied as she sat down next to you.

"So what if that old geezer get mad, not like I care. I want to see Law, Baby 5, I want to see him." You said as tears started rolling down your face. You looked at the raven haired female beside you. "I'm in love with him, Baby 5, I love Trafalgar D. Water Law." You stated as you started crying uncontrollably.

No matter how much the raven wanted to help you she couldn't, even if she wanted to. She had her orders and that was that. She quietly got up and started walking away. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you that much please forgive me." She said as she walked through the door, closed it and rattled the door nob a bit to seem like it was locked.

"Thank you, Baby 5, thank you so much." You mumbled as you got up and snuck out of the room towards the exit. You were now forever indebted to the raven haired devil fruit user. 

It was easy for you to escape the building because of your knowledge of the building. You soon were outside, and started to run like a man woman to get to the port. You had to get there you just had to.

You made a turn that led towards the port were you saw both the Straw Hats and the Heart Pirates. A smiled formed on your lips as you saw them dock at the ports.

As you looked at the raven haired man that walked off the Straw Hat Crew's ship, you recognize the fluffy hat on his head. It was different from the one he had when he was a kid. Plus he looked for masculine then he did when you two were little.

You didn't exactly know if he would remember you or think of you as a spy. You didn't like any of those things. You wanted him to remember you, to know you weren't a threat to him or his crew. But you knew he was an intelligent man, he would think of any possibility, any way, each of his plans are always thought through until the very last step. That's how it's always been. Plus you weren't sure if he hated you because of what your father did to him and your uncle. But you also hated your father for that.

You sighed as you started walking towards him. You readied yourself with anything that could happen. To be perfectly honest though, you were scared.

Scared of everything there. Plus you weren't exactly sure if he had forgotten you and found another woman. You would be devastated.

"Hey who's that (h/c) haired woman over there?" Straw Hat asked as he pointed to you making all heads turn towards you.

"I don't know and I don't care but she is simply an angel that has fallen from the heavens." A blonde haired guy said as he came up to you frolicking in the wind.

"Um, could you let me go?" You asked as you tried pulling your hand away from the man that is now sniffing your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

Unknown to you a certain doctor pirate captain was furious. He didn't like the idea of you being touched by another man then him. He didn't like it, no one single bit.

He knew who you were, and he was happy. But he wasn't sure if you came to fight him or to join him. It would be the end of the plan they had plus it would ruined him just thinking the thought of fighting you. The only one he had left, was you.

You looked over at Law. You seemed fine but your eyes, they were asking for his help and his alone.

"Tell me my sweet angel, what's your name?" The blonde asked as he grabbed a lock of your (h/c) hair and brushed it against his lips.

That was the last straw. He had lost control. The perverted cook had made four mistakes. He touched what belongs to him, he flirted with what belongs to him, he kissed what belongs to him, and the last thing he did was called what belongs to Trafalgar Law and Trafalgar Law alone his.

There where so many things wrong with this picture. Just so many and he didn't like it.

"(Y/n)! What do you think your doing? Get over here now, that's Captain's Orders." He yelled causing you to smile and get out of the blonde mans grasp and run over to your new captain. Once there, you hugged the man and surprising almost everyone he hugged back with a smile. Yes a smile, a really big one at that too.

"Hey captain, I'm not meaning to question your judgement but I'm not sure we should trust her." One of the crew members said. "She's hot and all but are you even sure she's any good at fighting." Law glared at this crew member.

"This woman is mine." His grip on you tightens as he continues talking. "I've known this woman since childhood and know she will never want to fight against me or this crew. Not to mention, she could just kill you with a couple of words if she wanted to. Which she isn't going to do." He stated as he leaded down and captured those lips he so desired for so many years.


Ok there was a lot of OC not to mention I have not gotten to that part yet. I'm finally after the time skip where they are now at fishman island. So yeah I guess I'm almost there? No clue. Hope you liked it and please don't be angry at me for posting late. <(*^*)/

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