Law X Reader part 2

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You looked at the man in front of you with a blank stare.

"Yeah um... No. I can handle this burn just fine, thank you." You said as you got up and left to go to the woods.

"Oi, you do know that fluffy polar bear is part of my crew right?" He asked with a smirk as he saw you turning around quickly to face the man that had just asked you to join his crew.

"Really?" You asked hopefully as stars replaced your eyes. You had gotten a nod in reply.

"Bepo, come here for a minute." He commanded his crew member. In which, Bepo hurried to go over towards his captain's side as quickly as possible, making you think it was plain adorable.

"Yes captain?" He asked but then was suddenly hugged/tackled by the samurai biologist, causing him to stumble a bit. This action also caused millions of animals to look at him with envy, not to mention three certain people even if one of them denies it.

"That bear is so lucky." Shachi mumbled as his partner agreed.

Soon enough you went back to their submarine. You had wanted to treat your burns by ourself, but the captain objected to the idea saying he was the doctor of the ship and that he should treat your wounds himself. But in all honesty, that was just a reason to both touch and spend time with you alone.

"(Y/n)-ya, let me treat them. I am a doctor." He stated to the (h/c) haired woman for about the hundred time in the past 12 minutes.

"I can handle it myself, thank you very much." You replied as you started taking out all the wanted posters and herds you have been studying as you looked inside your book trying to find the right plant that best helps with burns.

"(Y/n)-ya those are captain's orders." He replied as he started getting pissed off as you kept denying him from helping you.

You stopped what you were doing and looked at him in the eye. "Like hell if I care if it's captain's orders or not. By law I have right to reject medical attention if I don't want it. And since your name is Law and you are a doctor you of all people should know that." You said sticking your tongue out at him after your little speech. Soon in came Bepo, with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but (y/n) please except the captain's offer. He only wants to help." Bepo said as he put a paw on your back.

You looked at the polar bear for a second before a smile was placed on the (s/c) face. "Ok!" You said as you left your bag there and sat on the medical bed that was in the big dark room.

Law's eye twitched as he witnessed the scene before him. He couldn't believe it, his mind couldn't rap around it. Him, mister Doctor Heart Stealer, was losing to a polar bear. Not to mention this polar bear was both an animal (n/a: typing this I'm like 'No shit Sherlock' XD) and his best friend.

This has been going on for a few months, but not as much. You started liking your captain and started listening to his orders. Sometimes. Other times Bepo would be the one to beg you to do what the captain asked, which in turn would cause Law to get upset, but he never really shown it, but you knew he was.

He was also jealous. When ever he went looking for you, he found you cuddling Bepo. Oh how much he envied that bear. He did to a point where he couldn't control it no more.

He quickly walked you towards your sleeping form as you laid on the extremely fluffy polar bear, picked you up rather roughly, and through you over his shoulder. These actions caused you to wake up from the wonderful dream you were having, which was having a drinking contest with your cousin and you were totally winning too.

You started kicking your feet and hitting his back, trying to get out of the man's grasp. Not like he would let that happen though. Both of you quickly got to his room. You watched him open the door, go through the door, close the door, and lock the door. You then felt yourself being air born and soon landing on a very soft bed.  You then started to feel your legs being entangled with another pair of legs and tanned firm arms covered in tattoos hugged you, preventing you from moving. You soon snuggled up to his chest, surprising the male a bit. But he soon waved it off with a smile as he hugged you even tighter. And when he was sure you fell asleep, he kissed you on the cheek.

But the only thing was, was that you were awake and caused you to smile as you snuggled even deeper into his chest.

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