Law x Reader

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Ok people remember this is the first One Piece x reader fanfic so please comment any ideas or suggestions you have. Please enjoy. Also as a special treat I made this one a long one since it's the first one so please enjoy.
(Y/N) : your name
(H/C) : hair color
(F/C) : favorite color
(H/L) : hair length
(E/C) : eye color

—Currently being Edited—
It was a beautiful day outside, not a cloud in the sky. It felt nice being able to feel the cooling wind flow through your hair. You felt happy. Usually it always rained in this small village of yours but despite your happiness. A clear day was a bad omen.

The day didn't affect the flow of your smith shop that much. There where one or two clients who wanted to reschedule, much to your gratitude the weather didn't affect anything. You were train as a blacksmith, an art your father had taught you since you were a child. He didn't like the fact you were succeeding him, but you were the only child your mother could give birth too. She called you a miracle, a blessing.

Your dad?

He hates your guts.

He thinks you are a changeling. A creature that switches its place with a dying new born so it can be raised by humans instead. Why does he think this?

Your devil fruit. He never once believed in them and being a hot head, when shown prof just believed it to be fake.

You where tired of it. That's why you are trying to live an honest life as a black smith, but you're thinking you chose the wrong career.

As you stated out into the cloudless sky lost in thought as you let out a sigh, a warrior barges in drunk. Reeking of alcohol.

"Oi blacksmith I want you to fix my blade." The man yelled startling you as his words slurred. He glance at you up and down before laughing like a mad man. "Sorry pretty lady, but I confused you for the blacksmith." He continues laughing like he's said the funniest joke in the world but you couldn't help but look at him like he was an idiot. "I'll just leave this for the blacksmith, in the mean time I can show you what's it like to be with a-"

"No thanks." You quickly interrupted him.

"Huh? What you mean no?"

"Exactly what it means. No."

Angered, he throws his sheath sword at your head. Thanks to your reaction time, you were able to duck and avoid it. Sure it was sheath all all, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have hurt! The sword fell to the ground not even making a dent in your wall.

"Hey is that any way to treat someone when you ask for them to work on your crappy sword?! I have the right to refuse you business, you know!" You yelled pissed at him as you point to the sign you had on display saying exactly what you just said.

"A woman? Ha! Don't be delusional! I didn't come here to ask you! I came to ask the blacksmith. A woman could never do a man's job."

"I am the blacksmith you drunken fool!"

"Huh? Yeah right! What do you take me for?You're just a woman you are too puny to even dream of lifting a hammer! All your good for is staying in the kitchen and following a man's ever order!"

"Get out."

Saying you were angry wound be beyond an understatement. Your (e/c) eyes glared at the taller man that overshadowed you. He was trying to use his height to intimidate you, but it wasn't working but he refused to see that it wasn't.

Some time earlier

The heart pirates had docked on your home island. They were given orders to obtain the supplies that would be necessary, as well as get any they might personally need in order to be ready for their next departure to the next island.

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