Brook x Neko Reader

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"Yohoho" The skeleton laughed loudly, waking you up from your well needed nap.

Normally you would be hissing or scratching the person's eyes out with your recently sharpened claws, but that would be hard since the fact the person doesn't have eyes which would always get you curious how he can even see.

You glared playfully at the skeleton as you got ready to pounce. Your tail swished back and forth while your ears were bent backwards.

The musician seem to notice the position you were in, or the way your eyes looked at him, like he was your prey.

When he did notice it was too late. You jumped at him and landed on his back causing him to fall. Your (h/c) tail swished back and forth happily while you accomplished your goal on getting your small, playful revenge.

"Yoho, (y/n), would you please get off? Your crushing my stomach ." He paused just when you were about to get off. "If I had one." He started laughing at his own joke as you sweat dropped. Then got off him. "Now, (y/n) may I see you're-" you didn't let him finish,as you showed him your claws in a threatening glare.

True you can't scratch his eyes out or make him bleed but you can scratch his bones and cut his hair, but you wouldn't do that to him, his hair is his treasure. His pirate treasure and you wouldn't new with it. Unless it was an enemy ship's treasure.

He waved his skeleton hands frantically, in front of his face.

You got tired so you pulled back your claws and went back your favorite napping spot, trying to fall sleep again. As you were falling asleep you felt boney fingers petting your head as everything went dark.

~Time Skip brought to you by Brook's Skeleton jokes~

When you woke up, you found yourself in your bed. You yawned, wondering how on earth you got here. "I don't remember falling asleep in my room." You said out loud as you got out of bed and stretched. "Someone must've brought me back to my room." You added as you left your room.

As you walked out you notice that it was already dark. 'Guess I missed breakfast and lunch.' You thought as you put your hand over your stomach as it growled. 'I hope the others, especially Luffy, don't mind if I steal from the kitchen.' You thought again as your teal showed your joy.

~Tiny time skip brought to you by a certain angry red haired captain~

As you walked into the kitchen, you found your food in the refrigerator. Which was guarded by a certain skeleton, who was awake.

Once he saw you walk in, he went to the refrigerator and got out both your lunch and dinner. Your lunch was a bunch of your favorite sandwiches and your dinner was (f/f).

You hug him as your tail showed your happiness. No one knew how much you loved food, besides Brook. Heck you might love food more then your captain and Jewelry Bonney combined, and their both bottomless pits when it comes to food.

You knew why Brook was there. He was there to guard the food from the infamous, food stealing, Straw Hat. You started wondering why you followed him. You didn't regret following the childish pirate captain, you just wondered why. It then hit you.

Brook had saved you once, from your last owner. Your last owner was an alcoholic. Every night he would beat you up, and you couldn't fight back because you were to scared. You had seen him kill your own family. You wanted to help them, but you where chained to the wall. After he killed your family, he forced you to serve him for the rest of our life.

You tried escaping millions of times and you would get a beating every time. There was always a fresh cut or bruise every time you woke up.

You tried escaping once more while he was passed out. You succeed, but failed at the same time. You were out of the house but you had known he had woken up and the house you were in was the only house on the island and you just hated water, so swimming wasn't a chance you were willing to take, you are part cat after all.

You started running hen you heard a noise coming from the house. As you ran past a man with green hair, that looked like moss. He seemed lost and when he saw you he was about to ask for directions, you thought, but you just jumped over his head. He gave you a look that would of scared you to death, if you actually looked at his face. As you continued running you passed more people. You continued running, but you heard a gunshot and you felt something going through your left leg; you felt pain all over as you tripped and fell to the floor. You tried to get up, as you did, someone stomped on your heard roughly in the dirt. You started crying as you feared the worst to happen. You looked up. The evil man had a crazed smile as he pointed a gun at your head.

"You've been a bad kitty-cat." He said as you felt the gun that was now touching your head. "Tell you what..." he continued as fear covered your eyes. "I'll let you go if you beg for your life." It sounded so simple right?

Wrong, it wasn't. Your kind didn't like begging... for anything, and that included your life, plus he was going to kill you anyway so it didnt matter if you begged or not.

You stayed silent In return he hit you with the back of his gun. "I said beg!" He yelled in your ear. You stayed silent, closed your eyes.

"Yohoho." Came a voice making your eyes open. You heard foot steps coming your way. The voice stopped when the skeleton stopped walking as he saw you. "Yoho. Would you like some help miss?" He asked as he put one of his boney fingers on his sword.

You didnt answer. You just looked at him with fear in your eyes. That was all the answer he needed. He slashed at the man above you, faster then the human eye can see, but you saw the slashes.

The man that kept you captive laughed. " You mis-" he stopped speaking as blood starts staining his shirt as blood spilled out of his mouth and he collapsed on the ground.

"Yohoho." the skeleton sang. "Are you ok miss?" He asked walking towards you.

Tears stained your face as you got off the ground and ran towards him and hugged him saying 'Thank You' over and over again.

"Yohoho. You're going to hug me to death." he paused. "If I wasn't already dead." He then laughed at his own joke as you smiled.

After that day you joined the StrawHats saying you are going to stay with the skeleton that saved you. You smiled as you remembered that wonderful memory, the time when you got your freedom back.

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