Arlong X ??? Reader

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"Hey let me go!" You yelled trying to get out of the fishmen's grasps, though it wasn't really helping that much.

"No can do human, you where docked on this island, under the control of Arlong and by his word you have to pay a toll; which you refused to pay!" The fishmen yelled his answer; pulling your arm roughly, trying to get you to move.

"The hell! I didn't dock! Nor did I want to. You dragged me and my boat here." You yelled trying to fight back, though you barely could.

"Your on the island now, you still have to pay." He yelled now irritated with your existence.

"I don't if you dragged me here." You replied yelling, growing angrier by the second. You kicked him, surprising hurting him.

"Shut up and be still! I'm taking you to Arlong." The fishman declared irritated, and hurt; carrying you over his head, while you kicked and struggled to try and get out of his grasp.

Walking along the path, with him carrying you, you finally came across his destination; only for the guards to open the door and throw you through the open gate. You cursed, landing on your butt, irritated. You threw them your most deadly look, sadden that it can't kill them.

"You'll never get a wife if you treat a women like that! Much less a girlfriend!"

The door slammed as you tried to get up, only to look over your shoulder and notice the many fishmen behind you. You quickly turned yourself to face the, raising your guard.

"Why are you here useless human." A fishman said threatening; looking at you. He put his hand on his gun as his men also grabbed their weapons. They all waited for you to do something, daring you to go against them.

"Your men brought me here. Now may I leave?" You asked sitting on the edge of the pool. You waited for movement, not wanting to do anything rash.

"I've never seen this human before, Arlong. She must of docked on your island and not pay the toll required." A pink skinned, six armed fishman said holding his swords towards his sides.

"I never docked, I was dragged here! I just want to go to the island I intended to go." You claimed, a bit scared as you looked at their smirking faces.

"How do we know your not lying, your just a useless human." A random fishman declared laughing as he looked at your scared face.

"But I'-"

"It's fine, everything is fine, as long as you pay the amount of money needed." Arlong interrupted smirking towards the human in front of him.

It was quiet, as they waited for you answer; a confident smirk imprinting all their faces. You finally grabbed your courage, your hand taking the form of a fist. You look at them, surprising a few with your determined look in your eyes.

"But I dint dock here, I'm not going to pay your stupid toll. I'll be leaving." You declared, getting up; almost taking a step to turn yourself towards the water.

"I don't care if you didn't dock here yourself. You are still standing on the island. Pay the toll, this is your last chance." The fishman said pulling out his gun.

"I'm not paying a damn thing." You declared irritated, making him even angrier. A bullet was shot towards your direction, grazing your skin as you dived into the water.

"How stupid is this human! Fishmen are far more stronger within the arms of the ocean."

You continued swimming, feeling your fish traits show. (You choose what type of fishmen you are) The water moves against your fins, warning you that they entered the water. You swam faster trying to get away from them but it was futile as Arlong grabbed your arms; holding them against your back, hurting you. You tried kicking him, to let you go, but it wasn't helping.

"So your half fishmen and human. I almost feel bad for you. Your superior blood has been tainted by that disgusting human blood. You also had to deal with the betrayal of one of your parents marring a human." Arlong said bringing you to the surface in the process.

Once there, all the others looked at you with discuss and pity.

"We aren't going to kill you. It's not your fault your half. You can't choose your parents." Arlong said putting his hand on your shoulder. "We aren't going to make you pay." He continued making you release the breath you didn't know you were holding. "Instead you are going to join my pirate crew. This isn't a type of thing you can simply say no to. This is a demand."

"Why? Your against humans, I'm part human."

"You are also a fishmen. And your human part could be of use to me. You look completely human when retracting your fishmen parts, sadly, you look most beautiful with them. You could be a spy for me."

You blushed at the comment. No one called your fishmen parts beautiful. When ever you showed them to someone, they called you a monster and left you alone. You were always afraid to show anyone this side of you.

"Alright, but I'm against killing. So I'm not going to kill anyone."

"That's good to hear."

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