Cheater Luffy X Reader part 2

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It seemed like a peaceful day, you where current ly walking down the boardwalk.

It was just three months ago since you discovered your captain, also known as boyfriend, Luffy cheating on you with his navigator. To be honest you were more then heartbroken but some how in the end you forgaveyour idiot captain for his crime.

You hymmed a tune your mother taught you when you were younger as you walked on the ship only to stop right in your tracks.

There you saw your captain and Nami kissing. Well thats how it looked like to you.

Luffy's eyes where wide open, as he tried to get nami off of him without him hurting her in tbe process. While nami was pushing her body onto him as she tried to get him to kiss back.

You dropped the supplies you were carrying. This grabbed both Nami's and Luffy's attention. Luffy's face had the look of horror and fear. While Nami didn't look like she regreted it.

You turned and ran of the ship, down the boardwalk, towards town, and into the thick woods.

"(y/n)! Wait! Please let me explain." Luffy yelled, but he was too late you had already ran off the ship and to somewhere unknown to them all.

"Nami!" He yelled as he was now looking at her. She now had a frighten look on her face once when she saw his now angry face. "What the hell were you thinking! I told you never to kiss me, I don't want to cheat on (y/n) it hurts both her and me." He stated as he put his hand on his heart and looked down. Nami's eyes went wide as her knees had gotten weak and she fell to the floor with tears in her eyes. Never had she felt so bad about what she had done.

"Everyone please try to find (y/n)! Please look in places you might think she is first then go search randomly." He yelled so his whole crew heard him. When he got a nod in reply he ran off the ship and headed to a place he had though you would be in.

~Time Skip~

Never in his life had Luffy felt so afraid. He was afraid of losing someone close to him again. He didnt want that.

Its been a few hours since you left and no one has found you yet. What worried him the most was that it was almost night fall.

After a while Luffy ran into the forest being the last place he hasn't checked.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Luffy kept yelling your name as he ran through the thick forest.

He stopped yelled and running after a few minutes when he heard a muffled sniff.

"(Y/n)?" Luffy question. He got nothing in reply and just sat there relieved. You where found and you sounded fine. Well physically of course not mentally sadly.

"(Y/n)?" He tried calling out again but got no reply from you. He sighed as he put a hand on his hat.

"(Y/n)? Could you please let me explained what happened? Please? I know it looked bad but please let me tell you what happened." He got no relpy from her so he continued speaking.

"Nami was the one that kissed me. I was trying to push her off with out hurting her, but then you came into view and saw. I didnt kiss her all i did was try and push her off." He said as he took his hat off and looked at it.

"(Y/n), please forgive me one last time. I can't became The Pirate King without my Pirate Queen." He said as he looked at the spot where he heard movement in one of the bushes.

What came out was an arctic wolf with the purest white fur he had ever seen.

That wolf quickly ran up to him and licked his face. Only to find a pair of lips on his.

His eyes wided only to close again when he saw familiar (h/l) (h/c) hair and your beautiful face. (N/A: Quiet child your beautiful)

He quickly kissed back, only for you to pull back and slap him across the face and then huge him.

"Next time you do that crap again, i'll kill you." Yku said as you gave him a peck on the lips. Causing him to pout, he wanted more then that.

"Come on Pirate King! We need to get back to the ship." You smiled as you smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Whatever you wish my Queen." He said getting up and putting his hat back on. "Oh by the way, do you know where that arctic wolf go?" He asked grabing your hand.

"Oh that was me." You smiled and started walking towards the ship leaving a surprised Luffy behind.

"Since when where you a devil fruit user?!" He asked as he ran towards you.

"Since now." You said sticking out your tongue and ran off towards the Thousands Sunny.

~Time Skip~

"(Y/n)!" Nami yelled as she quickly ran over to you and hugged you. "Oh (Y/n)! Im so very sorry for all I've done! I dont know what the hell I was thinking!" She yelled as she sobbed and cried. "And I was so worried about you, its all my fault!" She said, some of her words became unable to understand.

You smiled as you hugged her, shocking her. She thought you would hit her for all she has done not hug her.

"Dont worry Nami, I forgive you! In fact if it weren't for you I wouldn't be a devil fruit user." You laughed.

"Since when were you a devil fruit user?" Nami asked as she let go of you.

"When I went into a forest. I ran into a tree and a fruit landed on my head and I was so angry and wasnt thinking so I ate it." You said with a smile as everyone started laughing and everyone's life went back to normal and was a little less crazy, if that was even possible.

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