Law X Reader X Kidd

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Oh my... I am so sorry it took so long to update!!! I've kinda been putting it of I have no excuse really... I've been trying to get the fan fiction into perfection since you guys deserve it so enjoy my lovelies~

"Ok class now you all understand the project right?" The red haired teacher said as he turned to his class. They all nodded except for a certain straw hat - rubbery student, who was following a certain moss-heads action who was hidden from the teachers sight. "Luffy, wake up. There's food"

Luffy mumbled something you couldn't hear, and opened one eye. "Is breakfast ready yet Sanji? I smell food." This caused almost everyone to sweat drop.

"Luffy, would you please explain what the project is about, please?" Shanks demanded kindly. (Is that even possible for a teacher O-O)

"It's whatever you said it was!" Luffy said with a cheeky-grin. Shanks turned towards you with a sigh.

"(Y/n) please explain to project to Luffy." He asked with a smile. You nodded your head, as your (h/l) (h/c) haired curls followed, and looked over at Luffy with a smile.

"The project is to make a diagram of any war that has been seen in this world. It is a project that involves up to three people to work on the project together." You explained from your seat with a smile, that seemed to melt the hearts of two men as they looked at you. They were also jealous that the wonderful smile that was on your face was not directed at them.

The bell rang signaling that class was over and it was lunch time.

You sighed as you packed your bag and left your classroom to head to your locker to get your lunch and head to the cafeteria. Once there you head to the table you and your friends always eat at.

"(Y/n)-chan, my angel, you're here! Oh, how I missed you so!" The blonde haired male of your group of friends said, as you sat down next to Nami. He was practically threw himself at you. This action caused the two males looking at you to cringe and trying to hold themselves back from punching the guy senselessly. They knew they had to get your attention and they knew how to.

After lunch you noticed two males standing by your locker; arguing, and glaring. You knew them, because they were in almost all your classes. These males are the only males in the world who can make your heart skip a beat. Trafalgar Law, also known as the Surgeon of Death at One Piece Academy, School for the gifted. And Eustass Kid, also known as Eustass 'Captain' Kid.

They hadn't noticed you yet so you walked up to them, still didn't notice you, you coughed, still didn't notice you. You were getting a bit annoyed, so you did what you do when you usually get annoyed. You smash their heads together. They both made a grunt and turn towards you to glare at you, only for them to soften their gaze while you gave them an annoyed look.

"Could you please tell me why you're fighting." You demanded from the two boys. They looked at you and then each other then back at you again. That's a sign they don't want to explain, causing you to sigh. "Can I at least get to my locker?" You asked with an eyebrow raised. They both just stepped away to let you through.

You opened up your locker and they both looked at you intently. To animated tick marks appeared.

"What are you to looking at." You demanded again, as you turned towards them. You still were annoyed at them and they knew that. Trafalgar didn't react much on the outside but he did on the inside, well Kid... Well he got annoyed as well after all he is known for his temper.

"(Y/n) your my partner!" He suddenly yelled startling you in Trafalgar a bit but he snapped out of it quickly.

"Hell no! She's mine!" He yelled, getting into Kid's face.

'So that's what they were fighting about earlier' the (h/c) haired female thought as she was now looking at them with a blank expression.

You noticed it was almost time for your next class, and you weren't one to be late to side, they're going to be the end of you, you knew that for a fact.

You clap your hands grabbing their attention, for once, and making them look at you blinking their eyes at least twice. "I have an idea." You stated as they looked at each other.

"Ok then, go ahead and choose who's going to be your partner the other will back off." Kid said, as he looked away from the (h/c) haired girl known as, (favorite animal/myth creature) (that's what your called at school, I'll explain later but you probably already get it)

You slammed a book on the redhead if you were someone else well, you'll be 6 feet under maybe even more.

"Baka, listen! Stop assuming everything!" You yelled as you put the book that mysteriously appeared out of no where. (Get it? XD) This also caused Law to chuckle bit as he saw his rival get hit in the head with a book.

This caused Kid to glare at you, but kept quiet in soon looked away from you trying to hide his blush.

"Ok why don't I be both your partners." They went wide eyed and shook their heads 'no' repeatedly.

"(Y/n), it can only be one of us, not both. We don't like sharing." Law said, glaring a Kid, as he glared back.

You sighed. "It's either you both or I accept Sanji's offer." You said with the annoyed look, but deep down you were smirking.

They glared at each other and mumbled a fine. They didn't want Sanji winning your heart from them.

You smiled at them and started walking away to your next class within following you closely behind.

But you were still annoyed by them because they make you late to class.

I hope you enjoyed~

Also I said I will explain a bit but in this version of One Piece Academy, everyone there is either born with their devil fruit ability or have gained special talents of some sort. Also you are basically given a nickname; it can be by a special feature or something to do with your ability/talent. Understand now? Good!

I own absolutely nothing. So have a great day. Bye~

Oh and don't forget that if you request please leave a scenario because that really helps a lot *gives a thumbs up with a cheeky smile*

Soma out~ :3

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