Sanji x Reader

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You were always watching him. You had known from the very beginning when you joined the Straw Hat Crew that he was a womanizer, but some how you still fell in love with him for no apparent reason.

You found out how you feel about him thanks to Robin and Nami. They would tell you the way you looked when you saw him looking at other women with hearts in his eyes or when he had a noise bleed. You keep denying that fact until you realized it was true.

You then realized he treated you differently then Nami and Robin. He kept looking at you when you ate, read a book, or simply look out to sea. Robin even told you that he starred at you for and hour while you slept, you thought that was a little bit creepy. Then Nami told you that he looked mad; he started to bite his tie and stomp like crazy in the kitchen because you were playing with Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp.

You nodded when you heard that but thought they were only telling you lies to try to cheer you up. Oh how wrong you were.

Sanji didn't fantasize about women anymore instead he fantasized about one woman now. And that one women was you. He didn't want anyone to catch on so he still acted like a pervert to every women he saw. He didn't mean the things though but every time he saw a women he didn't know and flirted with them the same thought went through his mind every time. '(Y/N) is much more beautiful.'

Of course he thought Nami and Robin were beautiful but he didn't think they were that beautiful.

A few months ago he started dreaming about you. He dreamed that you two were married and had a son while staying with the Straw Hats.

He woke out that morning with something a bit wet on his face and a bit on his neck. Before he was about to go to the bathroom and clean it off. Zoro woke up (surprisingly), much to his displeasure.

"Oi, Love Cook, having wet dreams again?" Zoro laughed which woke up everyone in the boys cabin.

Luffy and chopper didn't get it, Usopp blushed, and Franky didn't really care as much; but Zoro wanted to know who he was wet dreaming about.

"Look moss-head I wasn't having a wet dream just a dream about the future with (y/n)!" Sanji yelled then covered his mouth. He wasn't intending on telling them about.

Luffy was now laughing but he still didn't get it. Chopper and Usopp smirked a bit. Franky wanted to hear more about it while... Zoro was a bit mad but he didn't show it.

No one knew this but you and Zoro are cousins, very close cousins. He was very over protective about you when it came to guys especially if it was Sanji.

He started to glare at the cook, he was about to say something but a knock interrupted them. Luffy went to open the door and there stood the (h/c) haired girl about to knock on the door again, and Luffy being the person he is got happy.

"Oi, (y/n) did you know that San-" he got interrupted by both Sanji and Zoro. Sanji for (y/n) not to figure out that he loves you, and Zoro so he doesn't want to hear it.

You gave them all a curious look. Looking at everyone in the eyes. No one was going to tell you.

"Um, ok well Sanji the girls and I are wondering when breakfast is going to be we are kinda hungry." (Y/n) said nervously. You weren't really nervous talking to guys but they were all looking at you with wide eyes it kinda made you feel self conscious; so you started playing with your hair, blushing a bit.

Sanji then snapped out of it, then nodded. With that you quickly walked away.

When the boys heard the door close, both Zoro and Sanji let go of Luffy while knocking him in the head.

Zoro then grabbed the cook and slammed him in the wall. All of them were a little stunned.

Zoro really didn't care if anyone found out about you two being cousins, al he care about was your heart. He didn't want it broken. He almost killed the guy if it wasn't for you to stop him that day.

"Ok look here you shitty cook, (y/n) is my baby cousin. You beak her heart, your face won't be the only thing broken! Am I clear?!" Zoro shouted in his face. No one really expect this well Chopper kinda did.

After a battle once you needed a blood transfusion and Zoro offered his blood since it was the same, there was a blood test and indeed it was.

Sanji was only able to nod since he was both surprised and choking. Zoro released him walking off like nothing happened. 

Sanji got up and walked to the kitchen and decided that he was going to tell you. To tell you about his feelings.

~time skip brought to you by Nami counting money~

It was the end of the day; the sun was setting. Everyone was in their respective rooms well that's what you thought at least. Sanji was actually watching you from the kitchen. He usually did this when you had first watch.

He decided to make you something. It was a cupcake saying 'I love you', he had the whole thing planed, he just hoped it worked out.

He gulped walking towards you with the cupcake on a plate. "(Y/n)?" He called out to you when he was at least 3 feet away. You turned to face him.

"Yes Sanji is there something wrong?" You asked a bit worried. He shock his head 'no'.

"Just thought you'd get hungry so I thought you'll want this." He said showing you the cupcake. You started blushing once when you read what was on the cupcake.

(Y/n) picked up the cupcake. "Thank you and um... I love you too" you mumbled the last part but he still heard you and pulled you close pressing his lips on yours.

It took you at least 3-4 seconds to process everything  before you kissed back.

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