d a l a w a m p u ' t p i t o n g

409 16 35

tw: homophobia

"I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me to." Richie lightly shoved Stan.

"What about Bill?"

Bill smiled as Richie looked him up and down.


"F-Fuck you, why not?" Bill asked.

"We basically grew up together, it'd be like kissing my cousin." Richie shook his head in disgust.

Richie, Beverly, Stan and Bill walked by the butcher shop, telling them she needed to pick something up for dinner.

"Dinner or you wanna see your boyfriend." Richie sang the boyfriend part childishly. Stan and Bill made kissing noises, making her blush.

"Fuck off." She chuckled, opening the door and seeing that he was already on the other side.

"You said beef last night, right?" Mike asked, handing her a package. Beverly grabbing it, smiling and blushing like crazy.

Mike turned to the boys and smiled.

"These are your friends?" He asked. Beverly nodded.

"I'm Mike." He held his hand out to shake.

"W-We know. Beverly won't sh-shut up about you." Bill teased.

"I hope it was all good things-"

Before Mike could finish his sentence, a cup of red slush hit him on his back.

They all turned to see it was none other than Henry and his friends.

"I thought I told you to get the fuck out of my town." Henry yelled.

"I just came for a delivery-"

"You just don't listen do you?" Henry shoved him. "You or your grandpa."

"Hey, leave him alone." Beverly pushed Henry away from Mike.

"Or what? You gonna give me a handy?" He snarked.

"F-Fuck off, H-Henry." Bill stuttered out.

"And this motherfucker still doesn't know how to talk?" Henry turned back to his friends.

"O-Or wh-what, B-B-Bill?" Patrick mocked.

"Didn't you guys graduate already?" Richie spoke up. "You're like nineteen picking on a bunch of high schoolers."

Henry turned his attention away from Mike and to Richie, scoffing.

"You're trying man up now?" Patrick laughed mockingly. Richie looked at them both, completely confused.

"You don't think we didn't see you and that other fairy prancing around town?"

Richie's stomach dropped. His biggest fear had come true and it was right in front of him. He was so terrified he wanted to vomit.

"You're a fag? Huh Toizer?" Henry shoved him into the side of the butcher shop. Richie frantically shook his head.

"Speaking of fags." Victor laughed.

"What the fuck, let me go."

Richie turned to see Eddie getting dragged in the alley.

"Found Thing Two." Patrick grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and shoved him next to Richie. The four of them surrounded the two younger boys, further pushing the intimidation.

Mike, Beverly, Stan and Bill stood there and felt powerless. They were all equally afraid of the boys. They knew that if they had made the slightest move it wouldn't end well for any of them.

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