l a b i n g - a p a t

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"Richie." Eddie called out, walking over to him. Richie turned around to see Eddie.

"Can we talk?" Eddie reached for Richies hand. Richie pulling it away. Eddie looked down at Richies hand and back up at him, confused and hurt. They were still at school and there were kids all around them, he was terrified of them seeing him hold Eddie's hand. Richie didn't like the way he was acting towards Eddie, he truly cared about him but the fear of being outed was stronger.

"I have to go." Richie turned around to walk away. Eddie grabbed his hand again and stopped him.

"Wait, can we talk, please?" Eddie asked. Richie pulled his hand out of Eddie's, this time a little more aggressive than the last.

"Did I do something wrong?" Eddie was more confused than before. He didn't understand why Richie was acting like this.

Richie didn't respond, he just stared at him, clearly annoyed.

"Are you okay? You can talk to me-"

"Eddie I have to fucking go, what part of that dont you understand?" Richie raised his voice.

Eddie hated to admit it, even in his head, but Richie raising his voice hurt him. He'd spent so much time with him and he'd never raised his voice around him once. It wasn't something he had seen or gotten used to.

Richie had Eddie spoiled in the sense that he never showed any negative emotions around him. He'd always been so loving and called him every pet name in the book. He'd shower Eddie in hugs and kisses, constantly telling him how amazing he was.

"Richie!" Eddie would laugh: Richie planting kisses all over his face.

"We have to do our homework." Eddie would say, Richie always ignored him.

Eddie had never had this in his past relationships, it was something different for him. It was different for Richie too. He'd never been an affectionate person. Once he got comfortable around Eddie that had changed. All he wanted was to hug and kiss him all the time.

"Sorry." Eddie apologized and turned around, walking away.

Richie immediately calmed down after seeing tears in Eddie's eyes.

"Fuck," he cursed. "Eddie."

He called out his name but he didn't turn around.

Richie walked home, guilt casting over him. He didn't like the way he acted towards Eddie. He was Richie's happiness, his everything really. Richie cared about him so much, like he never thought he could. He took Eddie's feelings and well being into consideration everyday for the past few months.

Except today.

Richie went home and dropped his backpack off, grabbing his bike and making his way to the pharmacy.

Richie had no idea how to shop for apology gifts. Nothing seemed to scream "Sorry for ignoring you all day then being an asshole to you even thought I'm kind of in love with you."

He eventually thought that chocolate ice cream and a bear would would get the message across. He paid for everything and hopped on his bike, making his way to Eddie's house.

"Hey, Eds- No, what the fuck." Richie mumbled, rehearsing his apology.

Richie had never been in a relationship before, he didn't know how to apologize to someone he was dating. He imagined the apology would be different that the way he apologize to a Stan, Bill or Beverly. Of course he wouldn't know since he's never been in this situation. All he did know was that he felt terrible for the way he acted towards Eddie.

After a five minute bike ride. Richie made it to Eddie's house. He grabbed the ice cream and bear, carelessly throwing his bike on the ground. He walked up to the front door and knocked.

Eddie opened the door to see an anxious Richie holding a tub of ice cream and a bear.

"Eddie I-I'm really sorry about today." Richie apologized. "And earlier."

Eddie stood at his door way, staring at the things in Richie's hands.

"I got these for you." Richie smiled, holding them out.


"Eddie, baby, I'm so sorry." Richie stepped closer to him. "Do you still want to talk?"

Eddie nodded, letting him in. They both made their way to Eddie's room where Richie set the tub and bear down on Eddie's nightstand.

Eddie sat at the end of his bed and looked up at Richie.

"What was up with you today?"

Richie stood in front of him, trying to think of an excuse. He couldn't tell him the real reason he ignored him.

Eddie had come to his own conclusions after that interaction he had with Richie outside of school. Richie taking too long to answer was almost confirming what Eddie thought.

"Are you embarrassed of me?"

Richie's eyes widened.

"What-no, not at all." He sat next to Eddie on his bed.

Richie was far from embarrassed of Eddie, he loved everything about him.

"Are you sure? You've never acted that way when I held your hand before." Eddie looked down at his hands.

"Yes, I'm sure. I-I just wasn't having the best day. I know that's not an excuse for the way I acted and I'm really sorry but I just didn't want to tell you." Richie felt so stupid telling Eddie lies like this. He didn't want to tell him the truth because it was ugly and Richie knew it.

How was he going to tell Eddie that he didn't want anyone to know about their relationship when Eddie was so excited about it. He knew it'd hurt him.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I would've tried to help you or given you your space." Eddie said.

"I know. I'm sorry." Richie apologized again.

"It's fine, just please talk to me next time." Eddie looked up at Richie. Richie nodded, pulling Eddie into a hug.

They both ended up eating the ice cream Richie bought and cuddling, thinking of names for Eddie's bear.

"What should we name it?" Eddie asked, playing with its ear.

"Bob." Richie suggested.

"No," Eddie laughed, turning around to face Richie.

"You don't like it?" Richie smiled, playing with Eddie's shirt.

"That's the most lacking in creativity name I've ever heard." Eddie smiled. He put the bear between the two of them.

"What about Hunter?" Eddie suggested.

Richie couldn't care less about the bears name, he just loved how excited Eddie was about it.

i was watching brad mondo videos and ended up cutting two inches off my own hair 💅🏽

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