d a l a w a m p u

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One year earlier

Eddie had been dating a basketball player for a few months now.


He was six feet tall and muscular, big brown eyes the color of honey. His hair went down to his ears and wore it with a part down the middle.

Eddie thought he was perfect.

Eddie was also blinded by hope that they would last. He wanted them to stay together because he thought he was in love with him. He didn't want to see how much of a shitty person Daniel really was.

Daniel wasn't exactly the nicest person. He had really only started flirting with Eddie for sex. He had no idea he'd end up dating him for 9 months. Daniel had showed little to no affection toward Eddie in the time they had been together. He barley in put any effort into their relationship and was emotionally distant.

He wasn't always like this though. In the beginning Daniel was a sweetheart. He'd spoil him with gifts and kisses, going as far as to leave flowers on his desk at school. A day never went by where Daniel didn't shower Eddie with compliments and affection.

Unfortunately for Eddie this didn't last too long, just two months into their relationship Daniel stopped with the affection all together. He'd get upset when Eddie would hug or kiss him and yelled at him for holding his hand, even if they were alone.

Daniel had only treated Eddie so well hoping he'd sleep with him but he never did. He thought Eddie was going to be 'easy' but once he realized he was going to let up anytime soon, he decided that maybe if they dated a little longer they finally would. But even then, nothing. Daniel grew angry towards Eddie and stopped liking him.

Meanwhile Eddie absolutely adored Daniel. Something in him enjoyed this chase that he knew wasn't healthy. The more Daniel ignored and rejected him, the more he wanted his attention and approval. Since Daniel wasn't very affectionate, Eddie usually tried to initiate kisses or holding hands. His attempts were rarely, if ever, successful. Daniel would end up pushing him away or yelling at him for being 'too touchy' even though Eddie barely ever touched him, knowing the outcome if he tried.

It was a Friday night, the two of them sat on Daniels bed watching The Breakfast Club.

"Daniel," Eddie looked up at him.

Daniel hummed.

"Can I have a kiss?" Eddie asked shyly.

Daniel ignored him, staring ahead at the T.V.

Eddie looked up at him, wondering if he had even heard him.


"No." He snapped.

Eddie looked down at his hands in embarrassment. He regret asking.

If you knew he was going to say no, why'd you ask.

After sitting through another twenty minutes of the movie, Daniel got up to use the bathroom. Eddie sat on the bed, waiting for him to get back and unpause the film.

As he waited he noticed some folded up pieces of paper on Daniel's nightstand.

They all had a girls name on them with hearts drawn all around it. Eddie picked one up and opened it.

It was a love note.

He opened the rest and read them. They were all flirty and seemed to be responses.

At the top he noticed the date.

The most recent one was given today.

Eddies sat there, his hand shaking as he looked down at the note. He wanted to cry but couldn't, none of what he wanted to feel would come through, he was just shaking.

He'd become so numb to Daniel hurting him that it didn't affect him anymore. He couldn't feel what he should've felt in that moment.

"What are you doing?" Daniel walked back into the room, seeing Eddie with a note in his hand, several other sprawled out in front of him.

"Who's Sara?" Eddie turned to look at him, his voice shaking.

"None of your business." Daniel snatched the piece of paper out of Eddie's hand. He picked up the others laying in front of him.

"What do you mean it's none of my business? We've been dating for nine months." Eddie felt his chest get tighter.

"Jesus Eddie don't you get it? I just wanted to fuck you." Daniel was so fed up with listening to Eddie bring up their relationship. He felt that Eddie was constantly on his case when in reality, he wasn't asking for much.


"The flowers? All that shit I did, all that money I spent, I was just trying to get you to put out." Daniel laughed. "But of course you started following me around and catching feelings like the clingy little bitch you are."

Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing. He'd spend almost a year with someone who didn't care about him at all. He cared so much for Daniel, just to hear him say that he was trying to use him.

He sat there feeling completely humiliated and heartbroken. He'd never felt more stupid.

"Oh my God-of course you're fucking crying." Daniel scoffed.

Eddie touched his face to feel the hot tears on his cheeks.


"That's all you ever fucking do, cry."

Eddie tried swallowing away the lump in his throat, tears falling from his eyes.

"Did you really think I liked you?" Daniel smiled mockingly.

"You're such an asshole." Eddie managed through his tears.

"I'm an asshole? I'm just being honest sweetheart, you're so fucking clingy-"

"Because you never let me touch you, I just wanted to h-hug you and you never l-let me." Eddie raised his voice.

"No, you're just an attention whore. God, no ones ever going to want to be with you if you keep acting like this. Not everyones going to put up with you the way I do, get that through your fucking head." Daniel yelled, pressing his finger to his temple.

That night Eddie walked home bawling his eyes out. He's had terrible heartbreaks in the past but never like this one. It was one thing for someone to imply something but to say it right to his face just hurt so much more.

This wasn't the first time Daniel had told Eddie that no one was ever going to want to be with him. Hes told him that he was never going to find his soulmate and even if he did, they'd leave him because of how 'annoying he was.'

Eddie had heard this so many times from so many people that he had started to believe it.

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