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Richie stood in front of his mirror, suddenly worrying about the way he looked. He never really cared too much about his appearance, he always wore the same clothes just in different colors.

Eddie made him do things he didn't normally do. Worry about his appearance for example. He'd never been this nervous over someone.

"It's fine, you're-youre just going on a date." He told himself in the mirror. "With a dude, fuck."

Richie didn't know it, but his internalized homophobia was chronic. He spent a lot of time worrying about whether or not others would accept him when he was the first person that refused to accept him.

"Jesus," he sighed. He couldn't understand how he hated how much he liked Eddie. He still liked him, though.

Richie's mind was one of the most confusing things he's ever encountered. It wasn't like math, he couldn't just leave when he didn't want to deal with it. It was his brain, he couldn't just leave. These thoughts followed him everywhere.

Richie walked to his garage and took his bike out, making his way to Eddie's house.

Meanwhile, Eddie sat in his room, waiting.


Richie said he'd be there at one. Eddie was afraid he was going to get stood up.

Eddie sat on his bed in the red shorts Nedia told him to wear.

Richie stood outside of Eddie's house, not sure how to let him know he was there.

Should I throw a rock?

He sat on his bike for five minute thinking about what to do until he finally decided on knocking.

Way to complicate things, numb nuts.

Richie knocked, a few seconds later Eddie opened the door.

"Hi." Richie smiled.

"Hi." Eddie smile back.

Richie turned back to his bike, parked in front of Eddie's lawn.

"I-I don't have a car." Richie chuckled awkwardly.

"That's okay." Eddie smiled.

"Do you have a bike?" Richie asked.

After Eddie dug up his bike from his backyard, they took off.

"Where are we going?" Eddie asked.

"You'll see." Richie said.

A few minutes later they arrived at Richie's favorite arcade.

"You play Street Fighter?" Richie asked.

"Do you?" Eddie laughed. "I'm a Street Fighter God."

Richie laughed. "I could beat you in point five seconds."!

"Could you really?" Eddie teased.

"I've spent weeks in here, try me." Richie challenged.

They both spent an hour at the same machine.

"I already beat you." Eddie laughed.

"No, rematch." Richie pushed up his glasses.

Eddie kind of liked how competitive Richie was, he thought it was cute.

"No," Richie said. "Last one time get back to the bikes has to buy the loser ice cream."

"Deal." Eddie nodded. The both ran outside, Eddie getting there before Richie.

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