d a l a w a m p u ' t i s a

539 25 16

Two months into Eddie and Richie's relationship

"Stop." Eddie tilted his head away from Richie's hand.

He did it again.

"Richie." Eddie swatted his hand away.

"What?" He blinked naively.

Richie had been flicking Eddie's earlobe for the past two minutes. Eddie didn't mind it at first and thought it was funny but got annoyed after about thirty seconds.

Before that he was blowing air in his face and throwing eraser shavings at him.

"Knock it off." Eddie was starting to become more and more annoyed. Usually he tolerated Richie's playful behavior but he was trying to study and he wasn't helping him with his already difficult time focusing.

"What?" Richie asked innocently, sitting back in his chair. Eddie rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. Richie looked around and saw a piece of scrap paper. He picked it up and started ripping it into tiny pieces, balling them up.

He started throwing them at different parts of Eddie's body to see what would tick him off the quickest.

He threw one at his ear. Eddie slapped it away and turned to Richie.

Truth be told, Richie was doing this just to get Eddie's attention.

At first he felt awkward receiving affection from Eddie. The constant hugs and kisses were so foreign to him, affection made him unexplainably uncomfortable. He'd only ever had that treatment come from his mom and a few of his aunts, but never romantically. Over time he had grown to like the attention from Eddie. He loved giving and receiving random hugs and kisses daily. It took time for Richie to get used to all this attention but once he did, he felt like he couldn't get enough of it.

He also loved picking on Eddie just to get a reaction out of him. It was one of his favorite hobbies.

"You sat right next to me just to bother me. You're not even doing your homework and you're not letting me do mine, what are you doing here?" Eddie sighed.

"Ouch." Richie put his hand to his chest. He looked down at Eddie's paper and snatched it away from under his hand. "What even is this? German?"

"It's math, now give it back." Eddie reached for the paper Richie was dangling behind his head.

"Richie give it, I've been putting it off all week, it's due tomorrow." Eddie complained.

Another reason Richie liked annoying him. He liked it when he said his name. Annoyed or not, he thought his name always sounded so much better coming from Eddie.

"Kiss me for it." Richie smirked.

Eddie glared at him, realizing this was just a ploy for his attention.

He reached over to grab his paper, leaning closer to Richie, slightly lifting himself off his chair.

"I'm serious, stop."

"I'm serious, stop." Richie mimicked, holding the paper out farther. Eddie leaned closer to him, their chests touching and their faces inches apart.

"Hi." Richie wiggled his eyebrows, proud that he was getting what he wanted.

"You're stupid."

"You love it." Richie smiled before kissing Eddie. He snatched his paper back and pulled away.

"Ha." He laughed in Richie's face.

"No," Richie whined.

He grabbed Eddie's arm and gently pulled him back into another kiss.

"I have to—get back to my—homework," Eddie spoke through kisses.

"You can do that later." Richie leaned over and held Eddie's thighs.

"If I get a zero in that class, it's your fault."

Richie hummed in agreement.

Eddie smiled. For the first time in a relationship, his energy and effort was being reciprocated. He loved knowing that Richie liked about him what his past boyfriends complained about.

Richie would go out of his way to make sure Eddie was happy and okay, something no one else did for him. Hed call him whenever they didn't see each and ask how he was doing and how his day went.

Eddie would arrive to his first period with poems on his desk from Richie. Never any good ones that actually rhymed or made any sense, nonetheless he thought they were adorable.

Richie scooped the backs of Eddie's knees, picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Richie," Eddie yelped.

Before Eddie could say anything else, Richie threw him onto his bed.

"You're watching, WWE." Richie yelled.

"Richard I swear to God-"

Richie jumped on top of Eddie pinning him down.

"Kaspbrack gets fucking steamrolled by Toizer, and the crowd goes wild." He mimicked a screaming crowd.

"You're so annoying." Eddie giggled.

"Don't act like you don't like it." Richie smiled.

Neither of them had ever imagined that theyd be with someone that genuinely liked them for who they really were. Eddie had only ever felt this way because it's what hes had so many people tell him. He eventually ended up believing that he probably wouldn't ever find his soulmate or find someone that cared about him.

Richie had a hard time romanticizing himself. It was so hard for him to picture himself in a relationship or sharing a part of his life with someone else. He'd never really seen himself as a romantic or sexual being, he was just Richie, the boy who said completely random and inappropriate things unprovoked.

"Youre so pretty." Richie looked down at Eddie and admired the small boy underneath him.

"What?" Eddie smiled.

"You know, you're just so..." Without finishing his sentence Richie leaned down and peppered kisses all over Eddie's face.

No one hated comparing more than Eddie, to him it was just another way to make the other person feel bad about themselves.

But he couldnt help but see how drastically different Richie and Daniel were.

Daniel wouldn't be caught dead letting Eddie apply sunscreen on him. Richie didn't mind because he knew that was how he showed that he cared.

Daniel hated waiting for Eddie to finish doing his homework. He'd get angry and drag him away somewhere. He was the reason Eddie was failing classes. Richie stayed and waited for him to finish. Maybe not do patiently but he never reacted the way Daniel did.

Daniel would ridicule Eddie for the things he liked to a point where he almost didn't enjoy them anymore. Richie loved tagging along or simply watching as he did whatever activity he liked. He'd ask for Eddie to teach him how to do something or why he liked doing it.

They were just so different. Richie respected Eddie's boundaries and listened when he told him to stop or when he didn't feel comfortable. He'd spend his time reminding Eddie of how amazing and beautiful he was.

This was basic respect Eddie hadn't been exposed to in a romantic relationship, so to him, this meant the world.

i got a piercing and im pretty sure it's infected 😃👍🏽

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