l a b i n g - i s a n g

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Eddie and Richie had been sitting on that log giving each other small kisses, laughing in between them, for ten minutes.

Eddie grabbed Richie's arm and pulled him into a longer kiss. Richie leaned closer putting his hand on Eddie's leg.

They were both happy, they were alone with no one to say anything to them.

Richie hadn't felt this free and himself ever. He had never directly tried to convince people he was straight but he never said anything either. He felt like he was living his life.

Until he heard laughter.


Richie pulled away and looked around.

"What?" Eddie chuckled.

Richie ignored him, still hearing the faint laughter he knew all too well.

"What's wrong?" Eddie started getting worried seeing how scared Richie looked. "Richie, you're scaring me."

A small part of Richie wanted to sit there and think about the way Eddie said his name but he couldn't. He grabbed his arm and pulled him up, running into a bunch of trees.

"What's going on?" Eddie whispered, visibly scared, holding Richie's arm.

"Henry's here." Richie looked around.

"I thought you said he graduated last year." Eddie whispered back.

"He didn't go to school. Besides he's still not beneath being a jackass to kids." Richie said. "Him and his group of dumbass friends never went anywhere."

Richie stood there as he watched Henry, Patrick, Victor and Belch walk into the same spot he and Eddie were just at. They all reeked of marijuana and alcohol.

"We're going that way." Richie whispered. Eddie nodded. Richie once again grabbed his arm and ran.

They made it back to their bikes and quickly got on, pedaling down the hills.

"I've never run that fast in my life." Richie panted.

"I know I saw you run out of the arcade earlier." Eddie teased, also out of breath. Richie smiled, shaking his head, pedaling faster.

It was dark now and Eddie said he needed to be home. Richie offered to accompany him.

As they made it back to Eddie's house they sat outside for a little and talk about the quarry.

"What would've happened if we didn't run?" Eddie asked.

"Nothing good." Richie said.

"Does he know? That youre-"

"Nobody knows." Richie looked at his handlebars.

"Oh." Eddie was hurt. He thought Richie might've told his family or maybe even Beverly about him.

Maybe he's just not ready.

"Henry thought that I was. He'd call me a fairy and stuff." Richie shrugged.

"Are you?" Eddie joked, trying to see if he'd say he was gay.

"For you." He chuckled.

"You're corny." Eddie laughed.

Eddie looked at his front door and back at Richie.

"Do you want to come in?" Eddie asked. "My mom won't be home for another hour."

Without any thought, Richie said yes.

They both made their way up to Eddie's room where they picked up where they left off back at the quarry.

Eddie couldn't help but let his mind wander. He had no complaints about Richie. He was tall, funny and a good kisser but the fact that he couldn't even say that he was gay bothered him.

What does that even say about him? What does that mean?

He wouldn't even say the word gay.

ugh reminder to wear whatever the fuck you want. like if you like wearing tight clothes all the time wear tight clothes. i love wearing tight clothes people might think im a hoe but idc😼 if you like baggy clothes wear baggy clothes. if you're a boy and wanna dress feminine DRESS FEMININE. if you're a girl and like dressing more masculine, DRESS MASCULINE LIVE LIFE. ITS YOUR BODY. YOU LOOK GOOD.

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