t a t l u m p u

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Richie stared at the door in front of him.

Does Eddie even want to see him right now?

Would he want to see him after everything that just happened? In some ways Richie felt guilty for what Eddie had endured. Henry was a part of his world and Richie tried his best to not let that part clash with the side that had Eddie.

Richie knocked on the door and waited, still an anxious wreck. He prayed that Eddie wouldn't open the door just to slam it back in his face.

Eddie trudged down the stairs and to the door.

The person on the other end knocked again.

Richie felt like Eddie was taking forever to open the door.

He just wanted to see him.

The door creaked open and there stood Eddie.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at Richie with an indistinguishable look on his face.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Richie said quietly.

"I'm fine." Eddie looked down at the bruises on Richie's arms.

"Do you wanna come in?" Eddie asked. Richie nodded.

Eddie sat Richie in a chair in the kitchen where he proceeded to pull a first aid kit out from under the sink. He gave Richie an ice pack.

Eddie began treating the countless wounds on Richie's body, all while not saying a word.

Richie hated how quiet it was. It was confusing, having Eddie perform such a loving gesture in complete silence.

"Eds, I'm really sorry." Richie apologized.

Eddie ignored him and continued patting the blood off of Richie's forehead.

"Eddie." Richie grabbed Eddie's hand in an effort to get his attention.

"You were scared, I'm not ma-"

"No, not that," Richie sighed. "For what you heard me say at the quarry. I really didn't mean any of it."

Eddie set the blood soaked gauze down and opened a new one.

"They didn't know about me at the time, but they do now. I told them all about us and about you." Richie paused. "They really want to meet you."

Nothing. Eddie continued to clean blood off of Richie's face.

"Please forgive me." Richie pleaded. "I really didn't mean what I said. I feel like dog shit for saying all the things I said and hurting you. You mean so much to me."

Eddie put the gauze down and finally looked at Richie in the eyes.

"Why did you say all those things about me?"

"I was scared they wouldn't accept me. I grew up with them and I think of them as family, I wasn't ready to have them shut me out." Richie explained. "I just wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. I was never embarrassed of you, you're one of the things I'm most proud of."

Eddie suddenly felt guilty for all the times he'd bugged Richie about how strange he acted when they were out in public. He'd been so used to being an embarrassment that the thought of Richie simply not being ready never crossed his mind.

"You could've just told me." Eddie said gently. "And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel pressured into coming out. I never wanted to force you to I just-I was tired of being a secret."

Richie knew all about Eddie's past relationships and how he was treated. He promised himself he wouldn't be anything like the guys in Eddie's past but he was.

"I-I'm sorry, Eddie." Richie sniffed.

"I understand, my love." Eddie cupped Richie's cheek and wiped a tear away with his thumb.

"You didn't deserve any of it." Richie cried. "I thought that if I told you, you'd take it the wrong way."

Richie looked up at Eddie. "I wanna show the whole world how beautiful you are."

Eddie smiled. "Whenever you're ready. I can wait."

In all of the sixteen years Richie had lived, he'd never felt this safe. Eddie truly was his safe space. He'd never felt judged or scared around him. He was so understanding and loving. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.

Eddie grabbed all the bloody gauzes and walked over to his trash can, throwing them all away.

"Eddie." Richie stood up.

Eddie turned to look at him.

"I love you."

Eddie smiled.

"I love you too."

Richie leaned down and kissed Eddie and when he opened his eyes, there it was again.

His favorite color.

the end.

me when i go on a hiatus for MONTHS😍

im so sorry i had school and a boy toy to entertain pls forgive me.

but i hope you guys enjoyed the story <3

as always, thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting :)

take care <3


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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